Category: Tinashe

Here’s How Some Celebrities Said “Black Lives Matter” Over The Weekend

June 1, 2020 / Posted by:

I don’t know about you, but I had a perfectly good and normal weekend curled up in a fetal position in the shower glugging down a bottle of special occasion “End Times” wine in between racking sobs. Basically, I didn’t do shit. But as Kristian mentioned earlier, quite a few celebrities spent the weekend out in the streets with Black Lives Matter, protesting police brutality, spurred by the recent murders of George Floyd and Breanna Taylor by the police. Some of them didn’t even post about it on social media, they just showed up! But many more took to their notes apps instead to express their solidarity with the BLM movement. Billie Eilish took aim at #AllLivesMatter types telling them to “shut the fuck up.” And Lady Gaga came for Donald Trump, accusing him of “fueling a system that is already rooted in racism.” And the always outspoken Pink!, well she just re-posted Billie’s post. But it’s the thought that counts! #thoughtsandprayers.

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Tinashe And Kehlani Both Dragged Lana Del Rey For Posting Protesters Faces On Her Instagram

June 1, 2020 / Posted by:

Over the weekend, many celebrities spoke up about the Black Lives Matter demonstrations brought on after the police killing of George Floyd. Some celebrities even took part in the protestsLana Del Rey was having a rough week with the black community, so maybe she decided to show she was sorry by going to a protest herself? Well, it didn’t end up going as well as you’d think, as she posted some incriminating video of protestors to her Instagram and got called out by Tinashe and Kehlani. Wait until they find out she dated a cop.

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Tinashe Got Roasted For A Joke She Made About North West

March 4, 2020 / Posted by:

Sometimes social media gets so out of hand all you can do is sigh and keep scrolling, because there’s certain to be something to piss you off just a little more in a few clicks. And if you need proof please look no further than the current situation taking place between Tinashe, an adult singer, and North West, the daughter of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. Apparently, North has stolen a song from another child artist and when Tinashe made a joke about it, Twitter came for her head with torches and pitchforks.

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No Day But Yesterday: “Rent Live” Wasn’t So Live

January 28, 2019 / Posted by:

When I heard that Brennin Hunt, the dude who played Roger Davis in Fox’s live TV production of Jonathan Larson’s Rent, broke his ankle during a rehearsal the night before the live show was supposed to go down, I figured that his understudy pulled a Nomi Malone by pushing him down the stairs so that they could take the role and become an overnight STAH! But that didn’t happen, because Brennin Hunt didn’t have an understudy. None of the leads did. Fox decided to test fate by not getting the lead roles covered, and fate spit back by saying, “Wrong move, trick.”

So because a little thing called “a broken foot” kept Brennin from jumping on tables and running around, Fox decided to mostly scrap the live show. The bad news is that they aired a dress rehearsal from Saturday night. The good news for the actors who didn’t really give it their all during the dress rehearsal is that nobody really watched it. Rent: Not So Live flopped in the ratings with 3.42 million viewers. I mean, it got beat by America’s Funniest Home Videos.

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NBA Player Ben Simmons May Have Cheated On Tinashe With Kendall Jenner 

May 30, 2018 / Posted by:

Up until last winterKendall Jenner was dating NBA player Blake Griffin. Not long after Blake first got with Kendall, the mother of his two children sued him for palimony, and accused him of skipping out on their family for Kendall. It’s starting to sound like Kendall might be coming for big sister Khloe’s title as The One Who’s Good At Hooking Up With Cheaters.

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Halsey Served Up Some T-Boz Realness At The Grammys

February 13, 2017 / Posted by:

The Grammys are the time and place for some high fashion fuckery. You can go high concept crazy (see: CeeLo Green), or you can go tacky casual with a twist of try hard. Halsey chose the latter. Halsey told Giuliana Rancic that her look was “a little TLC, a little Aaliyah.” When I first saw Halsey on the red carpet, I immediately got a T-Boz in the Creep video vibe. Halsey must have realized that she couldn’t blatantly rip-off such a legendary look without receiving a cease-and-desist, and so she added her own spin. And in this case, her spin was to ditch the matching robe and walk down the red carpet with her tits out. She also went with her natural hair, which was a choice. Personally I would have gone full-homage to T-Boz with some bangs and side-curtains. But I’ll give her a pass on this one. If she didn’t have time to steam the wrinkles out of her ensemble, I doubt she had time to clip on some hair.

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