Category: George Floyd

George Floyd’s Family Plans To File A $250 Million Lawsuit Against Kanye West

October 19, 2022 / Posted by:

As Christmas quickly approaches, I’m convinced Kanye West is really Santa, because he continues giving out the unwanted gift of his words to the world. Or maybe I’m having trouble rearranging words myself, because when I typed Santa, I should have typed Satan. How else could you explain his cruel and callous statement alleging the brutal murder of George Floyd by police was actually caused by a Fentanyl overdose? Someone throw this dude on Jeff Bezos’ dick rocket and fling his ass into deep space because I think his time is up here on Earth. But before we send Kanye away, let’s allow George Floyd’s family, on behalf of his child’s mother Roxie Washington, and their daughter Gianna, to win their $250 million lawsuit against him first.

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Meghan Markle Spoke About Black Lives Matter In A Graduation Speech To Her High School 

June 4, 2020 / Posted by:

Like many high schools, Immaculate Heart, an all-girls Catholic high school in Los Angeles, held a virtual graduation ceremony last night because of coronavirus. One of its most famous alumni, Meghan Markle (other alumni includes Tyra Banks, Mary Tyler Moore, and THEE Pat Carroll), already agreed to do the commencement speech weeks ago. And then George Floyd was murdered by police, which led to worldwide protests. So Meghan knew she had to focus her speech on Black Lives Matter, which is what she did. And she did it with what looks like a white sheer curtain covering the camera, which is exactly what my little friends and I did when making a camcorder movie about heaven in my garage. Listen, we were inspired by One Life To Live’s heaven’s story arc, okay?!

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Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds Donated $200,000 To The NAACP, Mention Past “Mistakes” 

June 1, 2020 / Posted by:

As Gal Gadot organizes a stirring all-celebrity acoustic version of Fight The Power (which I’m sure she’ll release on Blackout Tuesday) to show her solidarity with the Black Lives Matters protesters, other famous types have opened up their purse and donated to organizations and bail funds like Black Visions Collective, Reclaim The Block, Unicorn Riot, The George Floyd Memorial Fund, the National Bail Fund Network, and many more. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds also opened up their purse and announced that they donated $200,000 to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. And while announcing their donation, Blake and Ryan mentioned past mistakes they’ve made when it comes to racism in this country. That caused many of us to throw eyes at Blake NotSoLively’s past “AH DO DECLARE” moments of messiness.

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Here’s How Some Celebrities Said “Black Lives Matter” Over The Weekend

June 1, 2020 / Posted by:

I don’t know about you, but I had a perfectly good and normal weekend curled up in a fetal position in the shower glugging down a bottle of special occasion “End Times” wine in between racking sobs. Basically, I didn’t do shit. But as Kristian mentioned earlier, quite a few celebrities spent the weekend out in the streets with Black Lives Matter, protesting police brutality, spurred by the recent murders of George Floyd and Breanna Taylor by the police. Some of them didn’t even post about it on social media, they just showed up! But many more took to their notes apps instead to express their solidarity with the BLM movement. Billie Eilish took aim at #AllLivesMatter types telling them to “shut the fuck up.” And Lady Gaga came for Donald Trump, accusing him of “fueling a system that is already rooted in racism.” And the always outspoken Pink!, well she just re-posted Billie’s post. But it’s the thought that counts! #thoughtsandprayers.

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Stephanie Pratt, Who Was Arrested For Shoplifting Once, Tweeted To “Shoot The Looters” 

June 1, 2020 / Posted by:

So Stephanie Pratt, a reality trick from The Hills and Made In Chelsea, decided to speak up about the Black Lives Matters protests happening around the world. And while doing that, she rose up on the list of Possible Future Wife Of Donald Trump by declaring that the looters should be shot. This is coming from a mess who been arrested for both shoplifting and driving under the influence. Wow, considering how fucking INSUFFERABLE Spencer Pratt is, it’s amazing how Stephanie so easily and immediately became the worst Pratt sibling.

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John Cusack Shared A Video Of Police Attacking Him As He Protested In Chicago

May 31, 2020 / Posted by:

Like many, many people across the country and even the world, John Cusack is protesting for Black Lives Matter and against police brutality after the police killing of George Floyd. John protested last night in Chicago, where he’s from and lives, and showed us that even the star of The Journey of Natty Gan is getting shit from the police. The way that this year has been going, seeing the headline “John Cusack Attacked By The Police While Protesting” isn’t even the wildest headline you’ll see this hour.

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