Category: Wedding Plans

Nicola And Brooklyn Peltz Beckham’s Wedding “Chaos” Is Detailed In A Counter-Suit Filed By The Wedding Planners Her Dad Is Suing

February 21, 2023 / Posted by:

You don’t become a billionaire by throwing money away. Sure, it’s a great way to become an ex-billionaire, but you’re not making your way to the top of the food chain without getting litigious about every nickel and dime you think you’re owed. So it was no surprise that Nicola Peltz’s billionaire daddy, Nelson Peltz, decided to sue a pair of wedding planners for $159,000, a mere drop in one of the many buckets he’s probably got stashed under the tap of one of his untraceable overseas bank accounts. But unfortunately for Daddy Peltz, the bucket bit back and now he’s being counter-sued for breach of contract by Nicole Braghin and Arianna Grijalba, the third set of wedding planners they used, who were fired after an alleged nine days in hell of dealing with Nicola and her mom Claudia Peltz’ disorganization and unreasonable demands the planners claim kept them from doing their job.

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Tiffany Trump Is “Flipping Out” As Hurricane Nicole Threatens To Derail Her Mar-A-Lago Wedding This Weekend

November 10, 2022 / Posted by:

You never know what you’re going to come home with after you’ve been partying in Mykonos with Lindsay Lohan. But whichever muse inspired Alanis Morrisette to write Ironic must have been going extra hard that fateful night in 2018 when she and Lindsay conspired to send Tiffany Trump home with a Nigerian prince and possibly head lice. Now, four years later, the Ironic muse finally found the keys she lost in the sand at Lindsay’s now-shuttered beach club just in time to send Tiffany some rain on her wedding day.

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Ben Affleck And Jennifer Lopez Reportedly Got Married In Vegas To Avoid Ben Getting “Cold Feet” And Are Planning A Bigger Celebration In Georgia

July 19, 2022 / Posted by:

Come on, now. Did you really think Jennifer Lopez was going to let all the attention and buzz of Bennifer 2.0 crescendo with her standing in line with a bunch of normies, in a MUNICIPAL building, followed by a quickie ceremony with only one costume change in the same venue Joe Jonas was married in? Are you new? No, there’s no way the newly minted Jenny Lynn Affleck doesn’t already have the perfect picture frame picked out (and linked in her On The JLo newsletter, no doubt) for her and Ben Affleck’s inevitable People Magazine wedding extravaganza cover. Sources tell said People that the most remarked upon bride and groom of the 21st century “plan on having a bigger party so they can celebrate with family and friends,” now that Jenny Lynn locked that shit down before Ben could get cold feet. And that’s not (just) me being shady, a source tells Page Six that their Vegas wedding was “very, very minimally planned in advance and was largely spur-of-the-moment” for just that reason. I guess all that Dunkin’ cold brew collects in Ben’s extremities.

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Pete Davidson Says He’s A Marriage And Kids Type Of Guy

July 15, 2022 / Posted by:

If you’ve been following Pete Davidson’s personal life trajectory from goofy Saturday Night Live guy to goofy dude that lands an astounding amount of famous hotties, then you might think that Pete’s end game is to be “that guy” who eventually turns 89, and writes a 2000-page memoir titled To All The Hot A-List Brunettes I Banged Before. But according to Pete, he’s just a dude who eventually wants to get married and have kids. Someone get Kris Jenner an absorbent towel, as she likely just started salivating over the ratings for a very special six-part episode of The Kardashians called “May The Fourth (Wedding) Be With Kim.

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Britney Spears And Sam Asghari Are Getting Hitched Today!

June 9, 2022 / Posted by:

Since Britney Spears has been sharing her newly-free life with the world, I would assume that many of us have looked on at her every move with the same cautiously optimistic facial expression Chrissy Teigen had at the Golden Globes a few years ago. Britney’s next free-lady agenda item is to get married (for the third time) to Sam Asghari and reportedly, today’s the day! But Satan’s minions don’t have to worry about hitting up an Old Navy in the Ninth Circle for a parka after their home freezes over, because Britney’s dad is not involved at all.

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Britney Spears And Sam Asghari Have Set A Wedding Date, But Are Keeping It A Secret

May 9, 2022 / Posted by:

Another detail of Britney Spears’ marriage to her longtime boyfriend Sam Asghari has been revealed, so get out your pens and hope journals if you’re the type of person who has been following along with this ever-evolving real-life fairy tale at home. Ever since Sam and Britney got engaged in September, we’ve learned that Sam would absolutely be signing a prenup, that Britney’s dress would be custom-made by Donatella Versace herself, and that the wedding may or may not feature Britney with a bridal lace-covered baby bump, depending on the timeline of when these two get hitched. We still don’t know the complete answer to that last wedding day clue, but Britney and Sam do! Because they have let it be known that they’ve officially set a date for this thing to go down.

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