Elon Musk Tells Twitter Employees To Work 80-Hour Weeks And Took Away Their Free Lunch

/ November 14, 2022

I’ve been passively enjoying the implosion of Twitter as much as the next person but Elon Musk is really making it difficult for us to differentiate between which desperate, impulsive, and unhinged decisions are real, and which are parody. And not for lack of a consistent policy on Blue Checks. Not when Elon himself has changed his profile picture to one where he’s wearing the little Last Samurai costume he rented for Heidi Klum’s Halloween party. He couldn’t even buy a date, it’s so sad. Just a grown man with too much money playing dress up and doing power poses on the red carpet like an 8-year-old boy in his new Christmas Underoos. So how are we supposed to know if the same guy who’s telling his employees they need to work 80-hour weeks, go into the office, and have to bring their own lunch from now on, also tweeted, “Twitter feels incredibly alive,”? You guys, I think he thinks we think he’s cool. I’m crying.

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Pete Davidson And Emily Ratajkowski Might Be A Thing Now

/ November 14, 2022

Pete Davidson’s desirability is a polarizing topic. Half of the population wonders how a gangly always-hoodied dude-bro with many admitted demons nabs so many beautiful famous women; and the other half wants to climb that lean, damaged, weed-smelling human caution sign like a tree and find out if he’s really packing nine inches or ten. But while we all fight amongst ourselves, Pete might’ve worked his magic again; because there are rumors that he and Emily Ratajkowski were recently spotted holding hands on a date.

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Gisele Bündchen May Already Moved On To Somebody New After Divorcing Tom Brady

/ November 14, 2022

Now that Gisele Bundchen has finally thrown away the pompoms she used to inflate Tom Brady‘s ego and ran towards freedom, it’s being reported there may be a new man awaiting her leggy embrace. Initially, Gisele thought she was getting everything she wanted when Tom announced his retirement, but once he went back to the love of his life, football, Gisele began making preparations for a new life without hearing the words “LET’S GOOO!” in and out of the bedroom. It’s been about three minutes since their divorce was finalized, and Gisele may be spending some sexy time with jiu-jitsu instructor Joaquim Valente, a claim that sources close to Tom think are true regardless of Gisele channeling her inner Biz Markie by telling everyone Joaquim is, “Just a friend.

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Nick Cannon Claims He Pays “A Lot More” Than $3 Million On Child Support For His Soon-To-Be 12 Kids

/ November 14, 2022

Nick Cannon just welcomed his 11th child with his 12th on the way, and you know his balls are probably ready to unleash the 13th into yet another uterus. And to the owner of that uterus, I beg: Please don’t. And Nick’s accountant is probably begging the same thing because Nick says that he pays “a lot more” than $3 million a year for his brood of children. Yeah, imagine if even a fraction of these kids plan on going to college–he’ll be bankrupt!

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Anti-Defamation League President Responds To Dave Chappelle’s “Saturday Night Live” Opening Monologue

/ November 14, 2022

Back in the early days of Saturday Night Live, the cast used to do everything short of having an orgy before performing their live skits, and that spirit of “Who Gives A Fuck?!” energy has been resurrected in recent years. But no more than when caustic comic Dave Chappelle took the reins as host this past weekend. Ahead of his appearance, several SNL writers reportedly tapped out of his episode over his past controversies. We already know Dave says what he wants, smokes whatever he has in his hand, and makes a swift exit before anyone can throw a rotten tomato at him. But his recent monologue for last week’s SNL episode, where he referenced GoFundMe candidate Kanye West‘s anti-Semitic sentiments,  has gotten him into trouble with the Anti-Defamation League and its president Jonathan Goldblatt.

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