
/ August 7, 2006
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Another Fat Ass Reality Show

/ November 30, 1999

ABC is ripping off from the British yet again by making a reality show about overweight people walking far distances or something. The UK show was called Too Big to Walk? and brought together a group of people trying to lose weight, uniting them and following them as they walk 500 miles. Executive Producer, Nick Emerson says that the show is more positive than “The Biggest Loser.” He said, “We think it’s the boldest weight-loss show to hit America. It feels very fresh and different. It’s not about being kept away from food and the rest of the world with a personal trainer and spending hours in the gym. It’s a bigger, more positive show.” Source

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/ November 30, 1999

About was started as The D-List on January 23, 2005. It soon changed its name when Kathy Griffin threatened to kill our asses. Since then we’ve been kicking ass and taking names or is it licking ass and being lame? Its also updated like every five seconds since Michael K has no fucking life. Like honestly we should look into that shit.

About Michael K
This bitch is one of the dumbest hos you will ever meet. What he lacks for in brains he makes up for in….um…he makes up for in….in….um…gummy bears…yeah. He was born in the glamorous city of Beverly Hills, CA and 22 years later moved to the slums of New York City. Sick, huh? He currently resides in the Village of the East with his dumb and gorgeous sidekick, Elvie the Chihuahua. Visit his MySpace and show him some love or a hand job.

Disclaimer is a mix of confirmed published reports, gossip, shit talking and overall nonsense. This site is purely meant for entertainment and not to be taken seriously. If you are offended by our material I suggest you visit this wholesome site or perhaps this family favorite!

If you’re a photo agency and paid a shit load of cash for the rights to a photo simply e-mail our asses, so we can laugh at you. I meant with you!

Design & Graphic – Mark Robinson
Design – Dagon Design
Software – WordPress

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