Category: Rich People Problems

Open Post: Hosted By Martha Stewart’s Basket House

April 19, 2023 / Posted by:

Candy Spelling and that broke-ass “wrapping room” of hers in the former Spelling Manor have nothing on Martha Stewart’s standalone house just for her basket collection! Even though Martha couldn’t get her hands on a proper margarita glass to drink out of at a public panel about a week back, she DOES have a huge collection of baskets of all shapes, sizes, and purposes; and they’re so well taken care of that she posted about the new metal roof she just had installed on their residence.

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The Beckhams and Peltzes Reportedly Met Over Easter To Make Peace

April 10, 2023 / Posted by:

In case you missed (or purposely dodged) all of the pics on your timeline of families in their Target best captioned “He has risen!” yesterday, it was Easter. But it was also the one-year anniversary of Nicola and Brooklyn Peltz Beckham tying the knot in a lavish wedding, which triggered a frivolous lawsuit! To mark this momentous occasion (the anniversary, not the rising from the dead thing), Nicola’s billionaire parents, Nelson and Claudia Peltz, reportedly hosted Brooklyn and Nicola along with David and Victoria Beckham at their Palm Beach compound so everyone could get together and put a cork in their bolognese family feud. 

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William H. Macy Has Been Sued For $600,000 For Allegedly Cutting Down His Neighbor’s Trees

April 7, 2023 / Posted by:

A few years ago, if you’d asked me which Hollywood star would be the least likely to get embroiled in legal drama, I’d probably say William H. Macy. But guess what? Past me would’ve been wrong. In 2019, William’s wife, Felicity Huffman, spent 11 days in the clink for being involved with the college admissions scandal — and he was totally in on the scam, too. Now, Page Six reports that the 73-year-old actor is being sued for $600,000 for “knowingly and intentionally” cutting down his next-door neighbor’s trees. Sigh. All of WHM’s scandals are so… WASPy. The exact opposite of anything that ever happened on Shameless.

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Gwyneth Paltrow Is A Whole Dollar Richer After A Jury Declares She’s Not Liable In Utah Ski Crash Case

March 30, 2023 / Posted by:

The people of Park City, Utah, better triple mask up unless they want to choke on the massive amounts of snooty smug wafting off Gwyneth Paltrow today. Because Goopy was victorious in her hit-and-run ski accident case. 50-year-old Gwyneth may not have destroyed 76-year-old retired optometrist Dr. Terry Sanderson on the slopes, but she destroyed him in court. The jury ruled that Terry was 100% at fault for the crash. Terry was originally suing Gwyneth for $3.1 million in damages, but that case was dismissed. So he re-filed, asking for $300,000 in damages instead. Gwyneth countersued for $1 in damages plus attorney fees, and that’s what the jury awarded her in court. Goopy’s traveling team of butlers better pull out her best bottle of sparkling bone broth because she’s partying tonight! I bet she’ll even have two glasses. Go wild, Goopy!

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During Gwyneth Paltrow’s Ski Accident Trial, Her Team Deployed Visual Aids And Her Daughter Recalled Her Getting A Massage After The Crash

March 29, 2023 / Posted by:

As day 6,506 seven of Gwyneth Paltrow’s ski accident trial continues to snowplow its way towards justice, and hopefully, hot toddies all around, no expense has been spared on either side. In the life-or-ego-death battle to determine which rich white person ran into the other on that fateful day in 2016, in which Gwyneth alleges she lost a half day of skiing and her accuser, Terry Sanderson, alleges he lost half of his mind, we’ve watched as a parade of expert witnesses racked up the billable hours to so far prove that something abominable happened on the mountain that day.

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Open Post: Hosted By Drake Talking About How He Disguised Himself As An Old Man To Go To His Friend’s Court Hearing Without Being Recognized

February 28, 2023 / Posted by:

During a video interview with Lil Yachty, published on the FUTUREMOOD YouTube channel last Friday, Drake spilled the tea on how he endured three hours of prosthetics just to support a friend who had to appear in a court hearing. Take notes, Sacha Baron Cohen. This doesn’t come as a surprise since Drake has a long history of cringe rich people antics, like making a necklace of unused engagement rings, buying friends luxury toilets, and, worst of all, taking Julia Fox on a date. Thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who still takes this man seriously.

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