According To A Royal Author, King Charles Travels With A Teddy Bear And A Toilet Seat

/ November 2, 2022

Royal author Christopher Andersen has a new book coming out next week called The King: The Life of Charles III. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Christopher dished on some of King Charles’ weirdest quirks. Including the fact (err, allegation) that the 73-year-old travels with his childhood teddy bear and a custom-made toilet seat. Yeesh, I hope he doesn’t get those two mixed up.

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A Source Claims That Tom Brady Didn’t Want To Get Divorced From Gisele Bundchen And Would’ve Done Anything To Make It Work

/ November 2, 2022

Seen above smiling and busting a boner in his pants after probably picturing Gisele Bundchen as a giant football with chichis and a MAGA hat, Tom Brady is legally single now. But Tom’s reportedly not happy about that since he never wanted his 13-year marriage tossed into the dumpster next to the clue that he desperately needs to get. Sources tell People that Tom has the sads over his marriage to Gis ending and that he would’ve done “whatever it took” to make it work. Um, either the source or Tom needs to look up what that really means because if Tom ever serenaded Gis with a song, it would be I Would Do Anything For Gis (But I Won’t Quit Football).

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Christina Applegate Talked About Finishing The Filming Of “Dead To Me” After Being Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis

/ November 2, 2022

On-brand with the fact that the last few years have been super shitty to many of the legendary and irreproachable entertainers we love, Christina Applegate was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis back in 2021. No stranger to health struggles as she had beat breast cancer back in 2008, she asked for privacy and expressed her intention to keep moving forward. As she learned of her diagnosis, she’d just started filming the third and final season of her dark comedy, Dead to Me. Although she took a hiatus for a couple of months to figure things out, Christina insisted on finishing the show despite needing to work around some of her physical changes and limitations.

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Open Post: Hosted By Miss Argentina And Miss Puerto Rico Falling In Love And Getting Married

/ November 2, 2022

In 2020, Mariana Varela (Miss Argentina) and Fabiola Valentín (Miss Puerto Rico) faced off at the Miss Grand International 2020 beauty pageant. Now, if movies like Drop Dead Gorgeous have taught us anything, these beauty queens will do anything to win. Sabotage, back-stabbing, even… (dun dun duuun) MURDER! Luckily, these two didn’t fall victim to homicidal tropes. Hola! reports that, in a surprising twist, Mariana and Fabiola actually fell in love and got married! Introducing the new Missuses Argentina-Puerto Rico! Continue reading

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Here’s The First Full Trailer For “Avatar: The Way Of Water”

/ November 2, 2022

A lot has changed in the 13 years since Avatar debuted in theaters and we all learned the true meaning of CINEMA. A week prior to that historic occasion, we thought Alvin and The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel was the apex of man’s achievements in motion pictures. How wrong we were. It’s almost embarrassing how simple and easily entertained we were. Those little neutered chipmunk nubbins, mere gestures towards anatomic verisimilitude, were laughably rudimentary compared to the virile, lashing appendages of the Na’vi and we, as a culture, have been horny for tails ever since. And now, after more than a decade of looking at our pets in a way that makes us a little bit uncomfortable, the first full trailer for Avatar: The Way of Water is here to remind us of that indescribable feeling we get when the lights begin to dim, and we masturbate to something we’ve never masturbated to before. Somehow, nut ache feels good in a place like this.

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Ben Platt Says The Reaction To Him In “Dear Evan Hansen” Ran Him Off Twitter

/ November 2, 2022

Last year, Twitter dragged the movie version of Dear Evan Hansen, and went in on how Ben Platt played a teenage boy who did NOT suffer from Benjamin Button syndrome even though he looked much older than high school age. At the time, Ben Platt responded to the hate, calling it “randos being jerks” on Twitter. And now, Ben reveals that the treatment actually ran him off Twitter, and he learned at that time that Twitter was actually very mean. WHAT!? Twitter is a cesspool of anonymous people making outrageously offensive remarks?! I am shocked! Next, you’ll tell me that when Elon Musk officially bought Twitter, the use of slurs jumped 500%! I will not believe you!

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