Angelina Jolie Wants To Fire The Private Judge In Charge Of Her And Brad Pitt’s Divorce Case

/ August 11, 2020

Angelina Jolie, remember her? Sure you do, dark hair, kinda spooky, a bunch of kids and was married to Brad Pitt? Not much has changed over the years, in fact, all of those things are as true now in 2020 as they were in 2016 when she first filed for divorce. In fact, I suspect that the specter of Brad and Angie’s divorce proceedings have contributed to the evil forces we’ve been living under since that day. According to the AP, there’s still no relief in sight as Angie has decided she doesn’t like the private judge who she and Brad have been paying so that their personal business doesn’t become public, and has asked for his removal from the case. Page Six reports that it’s a stall tactic because things weren’t looking good for her. So yeah, we could be looking at four more years in purgatory for us as a nation if Angie doesn’t get her way.

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Bindi Irwin Announced That She’s Pregnant

/ August 11, 2020

Bindi Irwin’s always been mature for her age. She appeared on her first wildlife TV show at two-years-old. At the age of eight, she delivered dad Steve Irwin’s eulogy in front of a crowd of 5,000. And in March she wed longtime boyfriend Chandler Powell in a small, family-only ceremony at Australia Zoo, where she and her family work.

Now, just four months later, 22-year-old Bindi has revealed she’s pregnant with her first child. She posted the announcement to Instagram, along with a picture of her and Chandler, 23, holding up an infant-sized Australia Zoo uniform. Awww! They’ve already picked the baby’s career!

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RuPaul’s Social Media Absence Might Be Due To Feeling “Overwhelmed” At The Current Situation

/ August 11, 2020

For more than a month now, if you have wanted to get your RuPaul fix, you’ve basically been stuck with his 0.6 second pre-taped video messages on Canada’s Drag Race, or throwing up the music video for “Peanut Butter” on YouTube. Because Ru has been notably absent from social media. Ru stayed quiet on social media about the Black Lives Matter movement and police brutality protests. No one really knew why Ru disappeared from social media and wiped everything clean. But sources have been talking to Page Six, and those sources say it’s because Ru didn’t want to say the wrong thing and get read to filth for it.

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Zelda Williams Dragged Eric Trump For Using Her Father To Diss Joe Biden

/ August 11, 2020

Zelda Williams had to collect Eric Trump after he used an old clip of her father, Robin Williams, to mock Joe Biden. Zelda reminded Eric on Twitter what Robin thought of his father, Donald Trump, and it’s a much less glowing review than the one Joe Biden got–one that includes suggestions of incest. The Trump family loves to ask people to dunk on them!

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Kanye West Accused The Democrats Of “Spying” On His Campaign

/ August 11, 2020

Kanye West’s presidential campaign continues to be a flaming mess, and it was recently revealed that Republicans were helping him get on ballots including the ballot in Wisconsin. But the Wisconsin Democratic Party wants Kanye’s name booted off their state ballot because they say he applied late and his application was filled with bogus signatures. Well, TMZ says that Kanye is now coming after the Wisconsin Democratic Party and accused them of “spying” on him. Hmm, where have we heard that before?

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Howard Stern Thinks Ellen DeGeneres Should Embrace Her Reputation As A Meanie

/ August 11, 2020

It’s probably safe to say that by now, just about everyone and their dog has heard the rumor that Ellen DeGeneres fakes the nice for TV while being a nightmare employer behind the scenes. I say “employer” specifically, because there are still some rich famous people out there who don’t seem to understand that someone could be both a good friend and a terrible boss. And of course, there are some people who are happy to stick their fingers in their ears and say, “Hashtag I stand by Ellennnnnnn.” But lots of people have read the allegations from past and present Ellen employees, and all the first-person stories on social media.

I don’t know what kind of reputation damage control Ellen has been doing to prepare for her return to TV this fall – maybe taking some online classes with the Care Bears or practicing how to hold a smile for 60 minutes. Howard Stern has decided to offer up a little advice to Ellen. And Howard thinks Ellen should just scrap the whole nice act and lean into her alleged reputation as an asshole.

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