Category: Healthy Eating

Post Malone Wants Everyone To Know His Recent Weight Loss Is From Healthy Living And “Dad Life” And Not Because Of Drugs

April 28, 2023 / Posted by:

Post Malone is nearing the homestretch of his global Twelve Carat Tour, and ever since it began in September 2022, he’s been noticeably shrinking. A few months ago, his dad spoke up to assure fans that they didn’t need to be worried about Post because he’d just been making healthier choices, and the weight loss was not due to illness or drug addiction. But that must not have been enough to quell the chatter because Post himself just made a post of his own to once again let everyone know he’s NOT doing drugs, and he’s just made a conscious effort to improve his health so he can be around longer for his daughter. Not once mentioned? Ozempic. Kyle Richards approves of this message!

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Chris Martin Says He Only Eats One Meal A Day To Look Like Bruce Springsteen

March 23, 2023 / Posted by:

Insider reports Chris Martin went on Conan O’Brien’s podcast, Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend, and the pair chatted about meeting their heroes. Conan asked Chris if any of his idols ever gave him advice over dinner, and Chris revealed that, actually, he doesn’t eat dinner anymore. He stops eating at 4 pm and only has one big meal daily. Like a snake! Now, before you blame Chris’ strict diet on his ex-wife, bone broth enthusiast Gwyneth Paltrow, think again. It’s actually Bruce Springsteen’s fault! Turns out The Boss doesn’t just have a Hungry Heart; he also has a Hungry Tummy.

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Gwyneth Paltrow Clarifies That She Eats More Than Bone Broth

March 18, 2023 / Posted by:

To some, wellness means caring for your mind, body, and soul and approaching things with a balanced mindset. To others, it means an opportunity to lord over those peons who gorge on the recommended intake of 2000 calories a day and don’t have a team of on-call skincare specialists! Gwyneth Paltrow recently shared the secret to how she manages to stay so thin, pleasant and grounded: bone broth and coffee. Unfortunately, GOOP naysayers came for her, saying ludicrous things like “you can’t stay alive just eating broth” and “this is giving eating disorder.” Gwyneth shot back at haters saying to get the rectal ozone stick out of their asses because, ACTUALLY, she eats human food sometimes!

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Gwyneth Paltrow’s “Wellness Routine” Is Called Out By Health Professionals For Sounding Like An Gateway Into Eating Disorders

March 15, 2023 / Posted by:

Welp–another day, another expert suggesting that you should not listen to Gwyneth Paltrow‘s life advice. Currently, the 50-year-old Goop Cult Leader is pushing a “wellness routine” that has eating disorder specialists going: “Pause!” saying that her diet is not giving her enough energy for a living human. But have they considered that Gwyneth fuels her body nutrition via her overt uppity pretentiousness?

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Raven-Symoné Says She Lost 40 Pounds Thanks To Her Wife’s Cooking And Quitting Sugar

March 31, 2022 / Posted by:

This season The View is inviting back a bunch of old hosts to celebrate 25 years of hot topics, bad takes, and iconic fights. Yesterday Raven-Symoné, who co-hosted from 2015 to 2016, made an appearance alongside her wife of almost two years, Miranda Pearman-Maday, and when she walked on stage she was noticeably smaller. Raven says she’s lost 40 pounds thanks to a new sugar-free diet and her wife’s “help and guidance and love and fantastic cooking skills.” Sigh. My boyfriend can’t even heat up a slice of pizza in the microwave without my careful instructions. Where can acquire my own Miranda?

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David Beckham Says Victoria Beckham Has Eaten The Same Meal Every Day For 25 Years

February 4, 2022 / Posted by:

David Beckham is a guest on the most recent episode of the podcast River Cafe Table 4, and he talked about his relationship with food. The show is hosted by Ruth Rogers, founder of the trés classy River Cafe in London, where David and Victoria Beckham are regulars. Posh was on the pod back in September, but it’s David’s episode that’s making headlines about her eating habits. David revealed that Posh has eaten the same meal every single day since he met her 25 years ago. Lemme guess: Big Mac with extra pickles, a side of fries, and an Oreo McFlurry? Nope. It’s steamed fish and vegetables. Jesus Christ. That poor woman.

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