Does Chelsea Handler Still Hate St. Angie Jolie?

/ May 13, 2016

Almost 6 years ago, Chelsea Handler ended up at the top of the Brangeloonies’ enemy list and they vowed to destroy her as soon as they tricked the doctors into thinking they were sane enough to be released from the mental hospital. (Side question: Do the Brangeloonies still exist?) Chelsea declared war with God when she called his prized creation Angelina Jolie a “home wrecker,” a “cunt,” and a “fucking bitch” during a show in Newark, NJ. Throughout the years, Jennifer Aniston’s main partner in tanning and boozing continued to slap at St. Angie by calling her everything from a “demon” to a “non-girl’s girl.

2016 has sharted up many surprises and it seems like Chelsea’s naranja leather ass has softened up a bit, so if you’re wondering if she still hates St. Angie more than she hates the words “last call,” she answered that question recently. In the first episode of Chelsea’s Netflix show titled, wait for it…Chelsea, she talks to Drew Barrymore and this happened. via The Washington Post  

While talking to her friend Drew Barrymore during the show’s premiere, Handler — who is also known to be good friends with Jennifer Aniston — said “I think most women support women. If you’re a girl you should kind of like other girls and if you don’t, your name’s Angelina Jolie.”

Um, is Chelsea forgetting that St. Angie’s holy ‘gina has bumped it with Jenny Shimizu before. Angie does like some girls. But you know,  it’s a little comforting knowing that no matter how much this world changes, one thing will stay the same: Chelsea will forever hate St. Angie. And that’s probably the secret to Chelsea’s tan. Every time she talks shit about St. Angie, a lightning bolt from heaven hits her and crisps up her skin!


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The Amazing Theater Queen Feud That Could’ve Been: Andrew Lloyd Webber v. Nicole Scherzinger

/ May 13, 2016

Susan Sarandon and Debra Messing can officially stop fighting now, because the random feud baton has been snatched up by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber.

When the Cats revival opened in London in 2014, Nicole Scherzinger (aka the leader of the Pussycat Dolls and a member of underrated girl group of the aughts Eden’s Crush) played the glamour cat Grizabella. At the time, Sir ALW couldn’t slobber out enough streams of praise over her performance. He said that Nicole’s performance of the show’s biggest song “Memory” was the greatest recording of his music ever, which is saying a lot since the likes of Barbra Streisand, Betty Buckley, his ex-wife Sarah Brightman and Elaine Paige have all recorded his stuff. Sir ALW said that Nicole would bring her Grizabella to Broadway and take NYC by STORM! But well….

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Gordon Ramsay Is Going To Be A Dad For The Fifth Time

/ May 13, 2016

Not content to let Jamie Oliver be the only soon-to-be father of five in the beady-eyed famous blond British chef game, Gordon Ramsay announced on The Late Late Show last night on that his wife Tana Ramsay is currently knocked up with their fifth kid. To put that in terms that Hell’s Kitchen viewers will understand, Gordon put his unwrapped beef wellington on the same plate as Tana’s halibut, dumped a whole bunch of risotto on top, and soon they’ll have a perfectly cooked scallop. He also revealed that Baby Scallop will arrive in September and will be their fourth daughter.

“I’m a little bit nervous. Obviously, I’m happy with another girl. Four girls. Four weddings. Four Sweet 16s. Four boyfriends. Um, so.”

Gordon and Tana already have a small army of teens in their house, which includes an 18-year-old Megan, two 16-year-old twins Jack and Holly, and 14-year-old Mathilda. It’s a good thing Gordon is rich as hell, because Gordon and Tana are probably going to have to buy all new baby stuff. The Ramsay’s youngest kid is 14-years-old, and I don’t know many people that hang on to cribs and stinky old diaper genies for almost a decade and a half.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if the first thing they purchased for the new baby was a couple pairs of ear plugs. Not for Gordon and Tana, either. For the baby. “Welcome to the family, little sister! You’re going to want to keep these on you at all times, just in case dad finds a rotten lime in the back of the fridge and has a meltdown.

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Note To Jennifer Lawrence: This Is How You Bust Out A Fall

/ May 13, 2016

When Jennifer Lawrence performed her latest choreographed stumble in London, I didn’t even bother lifting up the score card with a giant zero on it. It was such a pathetic attempt, and it was sad seeing the one-time Legend of the Falls fall from grace with that half-assed stumble. Maybe Jennifer Lawrence just needs a little inspiration, and so she should pull up a chair and watch rejected Mouseketeer turned pop person Meghan Trainor bust her ass on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night.

Two painful things happened during Meghan’s performance: She sang that eardrum-bruising song “Me Too” and her ankle turned on her by causing her bass to go boom. Meghan’s fall gets a solid 7.5 from me. Trick gave us ankle wiggling, a hair flip and a shriek. After Meghan’s ass ate floor, Jimmy Fallon turned himself into Jimmy Fallin’ by lying next her. Meghan is fine and didn’t die, so it’s okay to laugh, and then re-watch it and laugh, and then re-watch it again and laugh, and then re-watch it again and laugh X 300,000.

Because I care about your nerves and don’t want you to hurt yourself by listening to the song, the lead-up to the fall starts at the 3:40 mark.

You’re probably wondering why Meghan just didn’t Photoshop that fall out of her performance. Meghan said on Good Morning America today that she re-shot the performance, but they decided to go with that one. Because you know, a Meghan Trainor performance on its own is about as exciting as flavorless oatmeal made with tap water, but add in a fall and it’s instantly entertaining. America runs on pop tricks falling.

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Michael Strahan’s Last Day On “Live!” Ended Awkwardly, Because Of Course It Did

/ May 13, 2016

You know you’re so goddamn happy to be done with someone when you’re willing to kiss them. That’s true hate, right there. So today was Michael Strahan’s last day on Live! With Kelly and Michael before he moves on to GMA, and shockingly enough the show didn’t end with Kelly Ripa grabbing a mic and screaming “HIT IT, GELMAN!” before launching into a high-energy karaoke version of NSYNC’s “Bye Bye Bye.” It did, however, end with Michael being played off like his Oscar speech was running on too long.

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Katy Perry Would Like You To Ignore This “Conspiracy” About Orlando Bloom And Selena Gomez

/ May 13, 2016

Despite the fact less than 24-hours earlier she was vague-tweeting a link to a song about falling out of love to her 88.4 million followers, Katy Perry has asked that you kindly stop talking about the drama surrounding her relationship. Katy hopped on Twitter yesterday and side-eyed everyone who was whispering about her boyfriend Orlando Bloom, because there is nothing to whisper about. According to Katy, you can go ahead and throw those pictures of Orlando getting handsy with Selena Gomez at a Las Vegas club into the trash with your proof of lizard people existing and the moon landing being fake, because it’s nothing but a conspiracy.

That’s right, instead take a look at all the good work Orlando is doing. Hashtag don’t feed the beast! Pay no attention to the Orlando that may have hooked up with a 23-year-old last weekend. Selena Gomez clearly agrees, because she retweeted Katy’s request and added some emoji praise hands.

Not too long after (six minutes to be exact), she tweeted the following, which may or may not have anything to do with Katy’s original tweet. But it doesn’t matter, because the important thing is that we stop talking about this!

Just like that, Taylor Swift threatened to revoke Selena’s membership to the I Hate Katy Perry Club. “Did you or did you not take an oath promising to be as vindictive and dramatic as possible? You’re on tour – you could have welcomed Ashlee Simpson to the stage and sung that ‘Didn’t Steal Your Boyfriend’ song together while dressed up as cats. I’m just so disappointed right now.

Speaking of Taylor and conspiracy theories, Wendy Williams recently put on her tinfoil hat and wondered if Taylor had anything to do with the rumors about Selena and Orlando. No! Wendy, STOP! We don’t need ’90s alt girl Katy to get public revenge on the most popular girl in Famous People High School by making her own version of “Bad Blood.” Besides, we already have that, it’s called Daria.


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