Category: QAnon

Jim Caviezel Pushed A False QAnon Conspiracy Theory

April 18, 2021 / Posted by:

Well, it looks like Margarine Turner Gangrene, or whatever the hell her name is, can count on some STAH POWER backing her up in her next campaign. Because Jim Caviezel, who is best known as Mel Gibson’s Jesus in Passion of the Christ and for Person Of Interest, has come out as a believer of QAnon. Jim popped up at some far-right COVID-denying conference on Friday night and mouth-sharted out a false conspiracy theory about how the elite are harvesting the adrenaline of children to stop or reverse the effects of aging. Um, someone should let those QAnoners know that’s not how Botox is made.

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A Former QAnon Conspiracy Believer Apologized To Anderson Cooper For Thinking He Ate Babies

February 1, 2021 / Posted by:

We’ve reached the part of the American political narrative where on CNN a former QAnon-conspiracy theorist had to apologize to Anderson Cooper for thinking he ate actual babies. Clearly, humanity took a wrong turn some time ago and we’re just rolling downhill to our demise. But hey, at least he apologized. That’s a teeny tiny start. And this QAnoner probably now has a higher opinion of Anderson than Kathy Griffin.

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Brian Littrell Of Backstreet Boys Joined Parler, And Kevin Richardson May Have Sub-Tweeted About That

January 14, 2021 / Posted by:

Buckle up teenage girls and gays of the 90s/2000s! There is some Backstreet Boys drama brewing, and it’s timely because it’s related to what’s going on politically in America. Fun combo! It seems that 49-year-old Kevin Richardson may have been subtweeting about his bandmate/actual cousin 45-year-old Brian Littrell who recently joined Parler, which is like Twitter for the far-right. QAnon is Larger Than Life, sweetie and Brian may be a subscriber.

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Kirstie Alley Declares That She’s Voting For Trump Again, And Gets Dragged For It

October 18, 2020 / Posted by:

Kirstie Alley has been trending on Twitter since yesterday, and in the year 2020, the only reason for Kirstie Alley to trend is because she brought the messiness on Twitter again. Yesterday, the actress turned reality TV wreck turned professional Twitter nutjob decided to come out on Twitter and confirm what anybody who actually thinks about Kirstie Alley already knew, which is that she will be voting for Trump 2020. Yes, MAGA’s celebrity wing is just busting out with more A-list star power.

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Chrissy Teigen Went On A Blocking Spree And Deleted 60,000 Tweets Because She Was Being Harassed About Ghislaine Maxwell

July 15, 2020 / Posted by:

There was a blessed hot minute when Chrissy Teigen got her titty balls deflated and wasn’t tweeting like Jack Dorsey was paying her by the word. However, Chrissy’s back —with a vengeance. Only this time instead of creating tweets, she’s deleting them. According to E! Online, Chrissy “recently deleted over 60,000 tweets because she “cannot fucking STAND” the individuals who are using her tweets as alleged evidence of her connection to Epstein’s close associate Ghislaine Maxwell.” It seems Chrissy has been implicated in a QAnon Pizzagate type scandal and Chrissy’s Twitter has been inundated with trolls looking for evidence of pedophilia in her tweet history. 60,000 tweets. SIXTY-THOUSAND TWEETS! In this economy?!?!

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No, Oprah Has Not Been Arrested For Sex Trafficking

March 18, 2020 / Posted by:

Considering #thesetryingtimes (which have quickly morphed into #theseuncertaintimes), it’s hard to know what to believe anymore. Between the conspiracy theories, hoaxes, everything that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth, and the truth— it seems like nothing, and anything, is possible. That’s why when you see Oprah Winfrey trending on Twitter, you might easily believe that she’d tested positive for coronavirus, or that she somehow bought her way onto the democratic ticket and is now running for president, or even that a sex tape featuring her and Gayle King had surfaced. But to hear that Oprah’s house was raided and she’s been arrested for child sex trafficking? Come the fuck on. But also, WHAT?! But mostly, come the fuck on. Obviously that didn’t happen, but enough people believed and/or spread this story, that Oprah had to walk the three miles from her sitting room to her foyer to tweet out a denial.

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