Will Smith Understands People May Not Be Ready To See Him Onscreen Again After The Oscars Slap

/ November 28, 2022

Will Smith is still reminding us of how he greeted Chris Rock with a five-finger face kiss at the Oscars many moons ago. In the aftermath, he received disciplinary action from the Academy, including being banned from attending ceremonies for the next decade. Anyone else would sit down, shut up and enjoy being rich at home for ten years. But not Will. He has a new film coming out this Friday titled Emancipation, which he probably hopes will become the Roots of the new millennium. Not a chance Will, which he understands and admits people may not be ready to see him onscreen once again just yet.

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Madonna Posted A Rare Photo Of All Of Her Children Together For Thanksgiving

/ November 28, 2022

Madonna’s kept the festive autumn train rolling all season long after first posting pics of her simulated pumpkin relations and zombie costume at Halloween time and now giving the public a glimpse of what Thanksgiving looks like for her family: expensive and kind of glum. But, although we’ve seen Madonna making sexy faces too close to the camera while using her kids individually as props more times than we can count, this time, she gave us a rare look at all of her six kids together in the same picture.

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Kanye West Announced His 2024 Presidential Run On Twitter And Admits Donald Trump Is Not Happy About It

/ November 28, 2022

While the rest of us were passed out from too much turkey on Thanksgiving Kanye West clearly got his holidays mixed up and thought it was Halloween. Because after making a return to Twitter, he frightened the stuffing out of everyone when he seemingly announced his 2024 run for president. This news came days after revealing he attended a secret dinner with current POS and former POTUS Donald Trump at his Honey Comb hideout Mar-a-Lago. Details surrounding their covert dinner of disaster were minimal at first but now Kanye is ready to let the world know exactly how Trump reacted when he told him he would be running again in 2024.

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Shakira Claims That She’s A Victim Of A Smear Campaign And Has Proof Of Her Innocence In Spanish Tax Case

/ November 28, 2022

Shakira has been dealing with some tax problems for a few years now after the Spanish government came after her for unpaid taxes. The case will go to trial, and Shakira could face up to 8 years in prison if she’s convicted. In the October issue of Elle, Shakira denied any wrongdoing and said that she’s paid everything the Spanish government claims she owes, and yet they’re still coming after her. Now, she’s filed documents against the Spanish prosecutors once again affirming her innocence and saying that they’re trying to smear her. Hmm, that explains the boars. The government paid those wild boars to fuck with her.

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Kim Kardashian Spoke Out About Balenciaga’s BDSM Teddy Bear Ad, And They’re Suing The Producers Of The Campaign For $25 Million

/ November 28, 2022

Kim Kardashian’s use of her sister’s disgraced baby daddy as a likely distraction from her having to condemn Balenciaga for shooting an ad with children holding teddy bears dressed up in BDSM gear with child pornography court documents visible on a nearby table didn’t work; her Instagram comment section was filled with pitchforks and torches pleading with her to speak out about it (this could be the most bizarre sentence ever written). So, since she’s been known to wear Balenciaga from head to tampon, she finally gave a lackluster statement–with wiggle room for a backpedal–since Balenciaga’s now belatedly expressing damnation of the ordeal by suing the producers of the shoot for $25 million.

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Hot Slut Of The Day!

/ November 28, 2022

Kevin, the captain of the turkey army of Woburn, Massachusetts!

Last week, when many turkeys were cowering in fear and trying to disguise themselves in cute bunny and puppy costumes while watching humans gleefully devour their ancestors on Turkey Day, Kevin and his little army of hooligan turkeys were doing the exact opposite. They were sending the people of Woburn, Massachusetts running in fear of them! And they’ve been terrorizing Woburn for a couple of years now. So on Thanksgiving in Woburn, you don’t eat the turkey; the turkey eats you!

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