Category: David Harbour

David Harbour And Lily Allen Show Off Their Newly Renovated Brooklyn Home In Architectural Digest

February 1, 2023 / Posted by:

Odd couple Lily Alan and David Harbour don’t seem to have much in common besides both being in a relationship that makes you go “hmmmm?” For one thing, Lily grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth, and it shows. Right down to the proliferation of them nestled behind the chintz covered cabinets in the “plain English kitchen” of the newly renovated “stately late-19th-century Italianate brownstone” she and David recently shared with Architectural Digest. Whereas Davis is a self-proclaimed “suburban boy from Westchester” with a “middle-of-the-road aesthetic,” and it shows. Right down to the “wall-to-wall floral carpet” in the “primary bath–cum–sitting room” which features “sink stands crafted from Louis XVI–style commodes of gilt bronze and parquetry.” Fuck the Eagles — Lord knows, if you’ve ever met one of these Westchester meat head types, they WILL talk your ear off about parquetry.

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David Harbour Considered Killing A Cat In The Name Of Method Acting

July 9, 2022 / Posted by:

Stranger Things is back (and over already if you binged the new season) and with it comes news about America’s favorite sexy dad man, David Harbour. Yeah, it’s been a little while since the series last aired, so we haven’t heard much from David since his stunt Las Vegas wedding to Lily Allen in 2020. David is here to remind us that he’s not just kicking back on the couch eating bonbons like a regular married man, he’s a hardworking actor! But not a method actor. That stuff’s for try-hards like Jared Leto!

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David Harbour And Lily Allen Got Married In Vegas

September 9, 2020 / Posted by:

Rumors of a possible David Harbour/Lily Allen secret marriage have been going around for months. But turns out everything before this has been bullshit, because these two only officially got married on Monday, just a day after receiving their marriage license. The ceremony was in Las Vegas. With an Elvis officiant. And a reception at In-N-Out. Sorry, y’all, Britney Spears and Jason Alexander did it sixteen years ago. Hopefully, this union lasts longer than 55 hours (if they make it past tonight, that’s a win).

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David Harbour And Lily Allen Might Be Married

March 20, 2020 / Posted by:

Super random Transatlantic couple, Lily Allen and Stranger Things bear daddy, David Harbour, may or may not be married. They made their society debut last summer (read: necked at a boxing match), and a couple months later, Lily pap-flashed a possible engagement ring.

Then on Wednesday, the plot thickened. Lily, 34, and David, 44, did this really “cute” thing where they pretended to be Instagram Live-ing thousands of miles apart. Then Lily busted into David’s room, and was like, You just got X-ed!”, revealing they’d been in the same house the whole time. Awww, hijinks that are slightly less eyeroll-worthy than celebrities trying to bring the world together with bad singing.

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Lily Allen Has Once Again Been Seen Wearing An Engagement-Looking Ring On Her Left Hand

December 30, 2019 / Posted by:

There’s a chance that Lily Allen will be ringing in the new year not as Lily Allen, but as The Fiancée of Officer Hot Daddy from Stranger Things. At least that’s how I’d introduce myself to strangers if I were in her position. Which is a position we’re not entirely sure she’s in with 100% certainty, but if recent pictures are telling the truth, then Lily and David Harbour might be engaged.

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Open Post: Hosted By The “Black Widow” Teaser Trailer

December 3, 2019 / Posted by:

We’ve been waiting a long time for a standalone movie starring one of, like, two main female superhero characters from The Avengers universe. Yes, Gwyneth Paltrow, Black Widow is a part of The Avengers universe. I’m sure you’re shocked by this news. But anyway, the Black Widow teaser trailer is finally upon us revealing the glory of Black Widow for the Nerdsphere to cream themselves over.

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