Conor Kennedy Was Arrested After A Bar Fight In Aspen

/ December 30, 2016

It seems like only yesterday that Taylor Swift was living her Jackie O. fantasy, sinking her teeth and nails into then 18-year-old Conor Kennedy. Well, Conor is all grown up now (a wizened 22-year-old), and he’s doing grown people shit. Like, for instance, getting into bar fights at nightclubs in Aspen, Colorado.

The Aspen Times reports that Conor was out with his buddy at a club when some jerks called his friend a gay slur. So young master Kennedy dusted off his finest slapping glove and demanded that the brute apologize.

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Carrie Fisher And Debbie Reynolds Are Having A Joint Funeral

/ December 30, 2016

Debbie Reynold’s son and Carrie Fisher’s brother Todd Fisher has confirmed to ABC News that the funerals for his mom and sister will happen together. Todd said that 15 minutes before his mom suffered a stroke on Wednesday, Debbie said that she missed Carrie and wanted to be with her. Debbie then followed Carrie into the afterlife just one day after Carrie died. They also lived next-door to each other in California. So a joint funeral seems fitting.

Todd Fisher says there isn’t currently a date or location for Debbie and Carrie’s funeral, but he’s working on the plans. Todd recently spoke to Good Morning America about how badly his mama missed his sister, and that he’s happy they’re together again.

“I don’t think she meant it quite like that but in 30 minutes she went to go see her again. I think she wanted to be with her. I’m not joking when I say she left to be with her and I’m happy about that. That’s the only thing I’m happy about.”

He also tweeted this sweet tribute to both of them.

Before Debbie died, Todd told ABC that Billie Lourd would be making the decisions regarding her mother’s memorial service. So I’m sure she’s working with Uncle Todd on the planning of this joint funeral. Todd doesn’t say what Debbie and Carrie’s funeral will be like, but the most appropriate salute to both of them would be to have a huge party. It’s what Debbie deserves, and it’s definitely what Carrie would have wanted. I hope they include Carrie’s pooch Gary Fisher in the planning process. That sloppy tongue constantly hanging out of Gary’s mouth tells me he definitely knows something about having a good time.

Pic: Splash

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Lindsay Lohan Is Trying To Make “Mean Girls 2” Happen

/ December 30, 2016

Just in time for New Year’s, Lindsay Lohan has cracked open a bottle of Cold Duck, raised a plastic red cup and burped out “I’m still here y’all!!!” Yes darling, we know. Who can forget the time when you damn near lost your finger in October during a boating accident? And, of course, by “boating accident” I mean carelessly leaving your finger just a little too close to the razor while you’re cutting the boogie sugar. Well this time it’s good news!

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Jennifer Lopez And Drake’s Stunt Keeps On Going

/ December 30, 2016

I know what you’re thinking and no, the above photo is not from the Area 51 vault, even though it definitely looks like JLo and her associate are putting the final touches on an ultra realistic Drakebot.

I have to hand it to Jennifer Lopez and Drake. They manage to continue grabbing those headlines without, you know, doing anything. They have achieved my greatest wish in life: to make the most money with the least effort. This is how it’s done! And yes, I am taking detailed notes.

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Halle Berry And Olivier Martinez Are Almost Officially Divorced

/ December 30, 2016

After announcing they were done with each other more than a year ago, Olivier Martinez is now almost officially Halle Berry’s third ex-husband. There was a moment where it felt like it might not happen, thanks to Halle allegedly wishing and hoping that Olivier might wake up one morning and not have rage flowing through his veins. But TMZ says that it did happen, and it was pretty drama-free.

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Hot Slut Of The Day!

/ December 30, 2016

The flawless con artist who has probably become Lindsay Lohan’s new idol thanks to her Meryl Streep-worthy performance!

Pretending to get hit by a car so that you can collect that money is nothing new, but this Chinese Greta Garbo took it to new levels that have never been seen before when she gave a performance worthy of a thousand Oscars. I know that the Oscars are strictly for movie shit, but they should create a Best Performance in a Dashcam Video category, so that they can properly honor this thespian of thespians.

NPR says that on December 24th, a driver was driving along in the city of Nanyang when a woman ran up to their car, pretended to get hit and collapsed. That kind of scheme happens frequently in China. A con artiste finds a slow-moving car, throws themselves in front of it and then demands money. NPR says it goes back to the Qing Dynasty.

The Chinese term for this kind of fraud is “pengci” — literally translated as “touch porcelain.” During the Qing Dynasty, a person — usually from a formerly wealthy family — would dress as a nobleman, position himself in a crowded public place holding expensive-looking china (usually fake) and let others “hit” him, causing him to drop the china. He’d then demand compensation.

The driver already had that grifter’s number and slowed down, which forced the Oscar winner of my heart to think quickly and just fall back. She gets up like, “Is this bitch brain dead enough to fall for my schemes?”, a few times before she stands up and it looks like she’s about to hit them up for cash. The video has gone viral in China.

And honestly, that driver should’ve paid up, because they got a front row seat to the performance of a lifetime!

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