Category: Sit Down And Stop Talking

Kevin Federline Responded To The Theory That He’s Moving His And Britney Spears’ Sons To Hawaii To Extend Her Child Support Payments

June 27, 2023 / Posted by:

Kevin Federline and the media have had kind of a methy relationship lately. Most recently, his lawyer ran to them to blab that Britney Spears hadn’t completed the paper trail for him to move their sons, Jayden and Preston, to Hawaii, and if she didn’t, they’d have to go to court. Although Britney (also via her attorney) stopped dancing for a minute to respond that she consents, her fans (or KFed’s haters) have been skeptical of his motives. He says the move is because his current wife, Victoria Prince, was offered a job there. However, Page Six says many on social media are speculating that the move is because Kevin wants to use Hawaii’s child support guidelines as a loophole that could extend Britney’s payments by a few years. But when a pap caught Kevin out the other day, he seemingly denied that accusation.

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Brandi Glanville Spoke Out About Being Accused Of Sexual Assault While Filming “Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip”

March 31, 2023 / Posted by:

While most villainous suspects accused of sexual assault in front of several witnesses while mic’d up as a camera crew stood by would STFU and S(it)TFD(own), Brandi Glanville isn’t your normal villainous suspect. As we know, perma-mess Brandi was booted from filming Season 4 of Peacock’s Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip in Morocco earlier this year for allegedly drunkenly groping and ramming her tongue down the throat of Caroline Manzo, formerly of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Brandi (who wrote a book about her chaotic tweeting called Drinking and Tweeting years back) just chaotically tweeted about the incident, saying she was punished for being herself, the whole thing was a setup, and Caroline is “fine.”

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Kate Moss’ Sister, Lottie Moss, Shared Her Thoughts On Nepotism And Says That “Life Isn’t Fair”

December 22, 2022 / Posted by:

Aside from the recent New Yorker Magazine piece on nepo babies, the only people really mentioning nepo babies are the cranky nepo babies themselves. Lily Allen was the latest to SPEAK OUT about the nepo baby struggle after Gwyneth Paltrow led the charge. But if you still weren’t convinced that nepo babies are the ones actually living the hard-knock life, Kate Moss’ model half-sister Lottie Moss stepped up to remind everyone that if you aren’t rich and famous, you should’ve worked harder-because life isn’t fair.

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Hilaria Baldwin Said That She Used To Judge Couples With Big Age Differences Before Alec Baldwin Came Along

November 9, 2022 / Posted by:

Since Hilaria Baldwin said that she’s most likely disarming her still-smoking baby cannon for good, she instead recently shat out a podcast called Witches Anonymous where she and her co-host, Michelle Campbell Mason, “explore women’s relationships with each other – both as the strongest support system and the fiercest adversaries.” The first episode debuted yesterday, and Hilaria hilariously said that she used to judge couples with a large age difference, but now that she’s in one, her previous thought that the younger person in the relationship had to be a gold-digging bimbo was a complete misconception.

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Brandi Glanville Says She Isn’t Sorry For The Rage Texts She Sent To Her Teenage Son’s Ex-Girlfriend

August 19, 2022 / Posted by:

Brandi Glanville simply can’t remain among the living if she isn’t getting some form of negative attention–exasperated eye-rolls and facepalming are to Brandi what clapping is to Tinkerbell. She used to have The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills as her canvas, but since getting the boot from that show years ago and getting sued for saying that former Real Housewives of Miami’s Joanna Krupa, had reeky nethers, she’s had to find new ways to disappoint her public. According to Page Six, 49-year-old Brandi’s most recent stunt was to text 18-year-old Bella Bernhardt, the ex-girlfriend of one of her teenage sons, to stick her fifth nose into the logistics of their post-relationship interactions. And even though Brandi apologized and blamed being drunk and high at the end of that text flurry, she took to Twitter after Bella shared the texts on TikTok to let the world know that she actually isn’t sorry.

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Doja Cat Called Out “Stranger Things” Star Noah Schnapp For Blowing Up Her Spot When He Shared Their DMs About Joseph Quinn

July 8, 2022 / Posted by:

Doja Cat has been having a decent year; she won some Billboard Music Awards and a Grammy, she got to be the warblin’ harbinger of the return of Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza, and she quit vaping so her stank tonsils wouldn’t quit her. What else could she want? Some Stranger Things dick, that’s what. So Doja got to work trying to acquire said dick the best way she knew how: by DMing a teen actor on Instagram to connect her to her (legal) dick of choice. 26-year-old Doja seemingly fancies 29-year-old Joseph Quinn, who plays the role of Eddie Munson in Stranger Things, but Doja couldn’t find Joseph’s socials, so instead she messaged 17-year-old Noah Schnapp (who plays Will Byers on the show and is Joseph’s co-star) to figure out how to contact Joseph. After Doja and Noah’s exchange, Noah shared their private DMs in a since-deleted TikTok without Doja’s permission, leaving her so heated that she took to Instagram Live to give Noah the bizness.

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