Category: Scream

Here Are Some Of The Movie Trailers The Studios Served Up During The Super Bowl

February 13, 2023 / Posted by:

Invariably, the worst food you will eat at any given Super Bowl party are nachos. Somebody’s always trying to be cute and do too much. And by the time they come around to you, they are a soggy, sticky mess that have been touched by way too many bare hands and you have no idea what you’re supposed to be eating. You’ll be all “Is this a garbanzo bean? And what is this… pineapple?!?!” Yet apparently, every single one of the movie studios that paid for a spot during yesterday’s game signed up to bring nachos. So we got served a dozen sloppy variations of cheese on chips when all anybody really wants are some hard-fried chicken wings and a cold beer. To which the studios all said “go fish,” and handed us a plate of Tropical Tuna Fiesta Surprise nachos instead (I’m looking at you, Air. Viola Davis is owed an apology).

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It’s Rumored That Neve Campbell Has Successfully Negotiated Herself Back Into The “Scream” Franchise

July 1, 2022 / Posted by:

Ghostface better watch their back, because Sidney Prescott might be after them again. Neve Campbell announced last month that she would not be in Scream 6 after Paramount Pictures tossed her an embarrassingly low offer during salary negotiations. Well, Paramount might have realized that they fucked up harder than Tatum Riley trying to escape through that doggy door in Scream because there’s a rumor going around the internet that claims Neve has been offered a decent amount of cash to come back for Scream 6.

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Neve Campbell Has Backed Out Of “Scream 6” Because They Weren’t Going To Pay Her Enough

June 7, 2022 / Posted by:

Are you a fan of the Scream franchise who is just itching at seeing Sidney Prescott square off against a killer in a Ghostface mask once again next year in Scream 6? Okay well, bad news for you then, because Neve Campell, who has played Sidney Prescott since the first Scream movie was released in 1996, won’t be returning for the 6th film. And it’s not because she’s so damn tired of cleaning blood off her clothing, or that she’s developed tinnitus from answering the phone so much. It’s because Paramount Pictures allegedly won’t pony up enough money for Neve’s paycheck.

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Tori Spelling Would Love To Be In “Scream 6”

June 6, 2022 / Posted by:

Tori Spelling may be going after a gig! And honestly, she should be the way her American Express bills are piling up. While doing some promo for her podcast, 9021OMG, on iHeartRadio, Tori ended up talking about the Scream series which actually featured Tori back in the day. It was a joke in the first film that Neve Campbell‘s character Sidney Prescott suggested that she would be played by Tori Spelling in the movie about her murderous boyfriend. In the sequel, Tori did just that–playing Sidney in the movie-within-a-movie, Stab. Well, Scream 6 is coming out next year and Tori says she would be totally down to come back to the franchise. I’m sure AmEx is already checking her accounts to see when they can seize more money from her.

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Open Post: Hosted By The Trailer For The New “Scream” Movie

October 12, 2021 / Posted by:

2011’s Scream 4 was a reboot of 1996’s Scream franchise after a lucrative trilogy of slasher films which ended in 2000. Well, it’s been 10 years since the last reboot, so time to do it again, I guess! The new fifth installment, also called Scream, stars OGs Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, and David Arquette and a trailer just dropped for the film due out on January 14. “Do you like scary movies?” I don’t really, so I probably won’t be watching this but if you love watching people get stabbed to death by a regular man in a scary costume who has mastered the elements of surprise and stalking, this is for you!

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