Category: HAHA On You

Today In Cable News DRAMA: Tucker Carlson Is Out At Fox News And Don Lemon Has Been Fired From CNN

April 24, 2023 / Posted by:

Things are going to be a little awkward at the back of the unemployment line today. Because former Fox News sweetheart Tucker Carlson and former CNN sweetheart Don Lemon are both out of a job after getting shit-canned by their network. Since both Fox News and CNN are down a messy anchor, I bet that they’re currently in a bidding war with each other to land Kerry from Succession!

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Harvey Weinstein Got Busted With Contraband Milk Duds In The Pokey

March 4, 2022 / Posted by:

Finally, some happy news for a change! And on a Friday too, what won’t the Universe do?! You’ll be delighted to learn that convicted rapist Harvey Weinsten got himself into a spot of bother in LA County jail last November when a box of contraband Milk Duds was discovered during a search of his cell following a visit from one of his attorneys. As you may recall, Harvey was extradited to Los Angeles last summer to stand trial on 11 additional charges of rape and sexual assault. He’s currently serving a 23-year sentence for rape and sexual assault in New York. According to Variety, Harvey is very sorry about the Milk Duds, if not for all the rape and sexual assault. Personally, hearing that a man who once felt so entitled and powerful that he could have sex with any woman he wanted, by force and coercion, can longer even enjoy the simple succor of plump sugary deer pellet without reprimand, is a real treat. Actual justice comes hard in this country, but poetic justice is sometimes just as sweet.

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The Tinder Swindler Got Swindled After Trying To Buy An Instagram Verification

March 2, 2022 / Posted by:

Well well well, if it isn’t the grifter getting got at his own game. I know I shouldn’t laugh at someone else’s misery, but considering The Tinder Swindler’s victims are out millions of dollars, and the victim here is merely just The Tindler Swindler’s ego and a couple of thousand bucks, I’ll allow myself to laugh. The Tinder Swindler, aka Simon Leviev, aka Shimon Hayut, has finally found himself on the losing end of a scam, and this one is embarrassing. According to TMZ, The Tinder Swindler got conned while trying to buy blue-check Instagram verification badges for himself and his girlfriend.

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No Celebrities Have Agreed To Appear At The 2022 Golden Globe Awards

January 5, 2022 / Posted by:

Well, it’s almost as though people will eventually realize that a corrupt, sexist, diversity-snubbing awards show isn’t where they want their faces seen, and they’ll stop answering the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s phone calls. At least that’s what appears to have happened with the 2022 Golden Globes, which are scheduled to happen on January 9th. And oh what a night it shall be! It’s not airing on television, and no famous people are involved.

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Piers Morgan Denies That His Book Has Sold Less Than 6000 Copies Despite Having Millions Of Twitter Followers

December 8, 2021 / Posted by:

Piers Morgan is like the human equivalent of an anal fissure bursting while you’re driving on the highway in bumper-to-bumper traffic and you’re almost out of gas and you’re also late to a work meeting. And I think that people have caught on to that! Because The New York Times reports that his book about “woke” culture, Wake Up: Why the World Has Gone Nuts, has sold 5,650 print copies. The Times notes that Piers has 8 million Twitter followers, so I think we can officially call his book a flop. But Piers denies it and The New York Times has since clarified their article to say he has sold 5,640 copies in the US, thankyouverymuch.

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Google Skips April Fools’ Day Pranks Because Of Coronavirus While A K-Pop Star Joked That He Had It

April 1, 2020 / Posted by:

Google did not do their annual April Fools’ Day pranks this year. What many people are going through feels like a real-life joke from HELL, so Google thought making jokes was a bad look. But not K-pop star Jaejoong who joked he had coronavirus, but joke’s on him, because he could find himself in legal trouble over this.

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