Judge Judy Says Her Former Neighbor Justin Bieber Is “Scared To Death” Of Her

/ November 8, 2022

Remember Justin Bieber’s no-goodnik days? Between 2012 and 2014, the now 28-year-old was accused of reckless driving, charged with vandalism for egging a neighbor’s house, arrested for a DUI in Miami, charged with assault and dangerous driving in Canada, and was caught on film saying a bunch of racist shit. After Justin’s 2014 drunk driving arrest, his then-neighbor, stinking rich hard-ass Judge Judy, publicly shit-talked him, telling CBS Los Angeles that a teenage Biebs was doing “a very good job of making a fool out of himself.” Nearly a decade later, 80-year-old Judy tells Access Hollywood that, after that, the Biebs was “scared to death” of her. OK, so he did have some sense!

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Open Post: Hosted By The 50-Year-Old Woman Who Broke The World Record For Bungee-Jumping The Most Times In One Hour

/ November 8, 2022

Bungee jumping and sky diving are my worst nightmares. Why would you wanna plunge from a towering height to your (possible) death? I don’t care how many Amazing Race contestants walked away unscathed; look what happened to Peggy Hill! But, apparently, people love that thrill-seeking shit. See: Linda Potgeiter from South Africa, who just broke the Guinness World Record for bungee-jumping the most times in 1 hour. 50-year-old Linda managed to make 23 jumps, which is one death wish jump every two and a half minutes! Continue reading

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Bradley Cooper And Irina Shayk Are Probably Back Together

/ November 8, 2022

That burning sensation hitting your nostrils during this unseasonably warm November is not the effect of global warming. It is the smell of love and situationships reconvening between two people who figured, “Yeah, you’ll do for now” since Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk have reunited like an old boy band. And this apparently has been a very long time coming, as they began to tickle and tease their fans with rumors of a rekindling late last year. Now, after spending some quality time together with their five-year-old daughter Lea, it seems like they’re ready to give it another try, no matter how long it lasts this time.

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Jennifer Lopez Loves Love And The Tradition And Romance Of Taking Ben Affeck’s Last Name

/ November 8, 2022

The power pose is back, bitches! But with a softer, gentler twist thanks to L.O.V.E., both the concept, and in all likelihood, the name of JLo’s next fragrance offering. Jennifer Lynne Affleck covers this month’s issue of Vogue, which was shot by Annie Leibovitz, but I’m fairly certain Tyra Banks was brought in to direct the shoot. Because even though Jen’s dressed in the flowing silk softness of a hopeless romantic, the close-ups of her exposed feet belie a strength that can only be gained from embarking on an arduous “journey of self-discovery.” So yes, Jen may be the “kind of girl” for whom taking her husband’s last namestill carries tradition and romance,” but she’s not afraid to “Get loud!,” especially now that she’s got a new album to sell that “serves as a kind of bookend to This Is Me…Then, the album she released 20 years ago in the heady early days of her relationship with Affleck.” That’s Ben Affleck, by the way. As in the Mr. Affleck to her “green neon sign whose soft cursive reads ‘Mrs. Affleck’” that hangs in her dressing room.

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Alanis Morissette Says She Dropped Out Of A Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Performance Because Of Sexism From The Production Team

/ November 8, 2022

Alanis Morrisette was supposed to perform with Olivia Rodrigo this past Saturday evening at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony at Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. But Alanis ended up skipping the whole thing even though she participated in rehearsals. Now, Alanis says that the reason she skipped the event is because of some good old-fashioned sexism from the production team. Damn, you do not want to piss off an Alanis Morissette type; she will write an iconic revenge album about you and make you reassess your life choices.

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Rick Ross Asks His Followers If He’s A Hoarder After Posting Video Of Piled-Up Clothes In His Mansion

/ November 8, 2022

Rick Ross needs to take the self-assigned title of BOSS into consideration when he hires his new cleaning service because he recently posted a video asking his followers if he’s a hoarder. But of course, instead of admitting to himself that he has a problem, he kicked it back to the tried and true excuse of “I’m rich! I got lots of nice shit, how am I a hoarder?” A question for the ages, my guy, but clearly, if you’re not a hoarder, you’re something far worse: a wealthy, delusional slob.

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