Category: Gavin Rossdale

Gwen Stefani Still Won’t Marry Blake Shelton Until Her First Marriage Is Annulled

December 11, 2019 / Posted by:

My teen self denounced Gwen Stefani as the +~*cOOleST gUuuurrrlL*~+ in the world when she got with the humanization of TruckNutz™ that is Blake Shelton in what I’m still telling myself is a long, long, long con to continue to promote The Voice. Gwen and Blake have been together for over four years, and there’s been wedding rumors ever since. But Gwen still hasn’t walked down an aisle of moose carcasses (hunted by Blake) while wearing a camo dress as he waits for her in a three-piece lumberjack plaid suit under an altar of rifle bullets. And once again, we’re hearing that Gwen and Blake haven’t gotten married because she’s really Catholic and won’t get married until her marriage to Gavin Rossdale is annulled by the church. Uh huh, “really Catholic“? If strict Catholic abuelitas, like my abuelita, ran the church, Gwen wouldn’t have to worry about getting her marriage annulled, because they’d kick out her grande mujerzuela ass for being a sinful hussy slut floozy who shacked up with a man she didn’t marry in the eyes of God!

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Gavin Rossdale And His 26-Year-Old Girlfriend Made Their “Red Carpet” Debut

May 20, 2019 / Posted by:

Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani broke up in 2015 after 13 years of marriage (a decision that Gavin regrets, or regretted anyway). Since then Gwen has had a pretty public… okay, highly public, relationship with Blake Shelton. She just couldn’t shut up about it–she’s in love. As for Gavin, he hit the rebound too, getting on a 27-year-old model from Germany. Well it looks like that didn’t work out, because 53-year-old Gavin has a new girlfriend and he’s traded in for an even newer model–this one is 26. He bangs the nanny and he gets a girlfriend half his age after the divorce. Quick: buy a fast, red car to fully complete your male cliché!

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Gwen Stefani Wants To Annul Her First Marriage Before Marrying Blake Shelton

March 22, 2019 / Posted by:

When you think of the Catholic Church, the image of St. Gwen Stefani, Patron Saint of Ska doesn’t exactly come to mind – but she’d like it to! In your Friday dose of random, Gwen is apparently super religious, and she wants the man upstairs to do her a solid and forget all about her marriage to Gavin Rossdale so she can be clean in the eyes of the church when she and Blake Shelton have a country-croonin’ wedding in Dogpatch or wherever it is he comes from.

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Gavin Rossdale Is Dating A 27-Year-Old Model Now

March 31, 2017 / Posted by:

There are two things that will never not be a reliable comfort in this world. Doritos will always be delicious, and aging rock stars will always get with a model half their age. According to The Sun, 51-year-old father of four Gavin Rossdale is dating 27-year-old German model Sophia Thomalla.

Fun facts about Sophia: she’s one year younger than Gavin’s daughter Daisy Lowe, her mother is the same age as Gavin, and based on her Instagram, she loves Justin Bieber. Dealbreaker! Although to be fair, Sophia would have been 20 when Baby was released….nope, that’s still too old to be into Bieber.

A source tells The Sun that it’s still early on in their relationship, but that Gavin is “really taken” by Sophia.

“There’s plenty of chemistry. They’re having fun and the relationship has the potential to turn serious if that continues.”

The source goes on to say that Sophia’s type is musicians. She married a guy in a Norwegian electronic band last March, a few weeks after ending a five-year relationship with the lead growler of Rammstein.

Gavin reportedly met Sophia while touring. But did he really meet her? Several months ago we were told Gavin had been on a date with Elin Nordegren. Gavin later clarified that he had never met her, only texted her a couple of times. So far there’s no evidence they met on Sophia’s social media, which is odd for such a committed groupie. Gavin, is this another Elin situation? I won’t believe this is a real relationship until I see a picture of Gavin posing with Sophia and a copy of that day’s newspaper.

Pic: Splash

Gavin Rossdale Has Been Texting Elin Nordegren, Hasn’t Met Her In Person

March 14, 2017 / Posted by:

Back in September, Elin Nordegren caused many people to strongly question her judgement after sources claimed she went on a date with barely-rich Gavin Rossdale. They had allegedly gone out for dinner in Los Angeles, and were trying to make more dates happen, depending on how fast her private jet could get to L.A. from Florida. Except that it looks like their date never have happened.

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Gavin Rossdale Wishes He Was Still Married To Gwen Stefani

January 24, 2017 / Posted by:

If only Gavin Rossdale could turn back time. One might think he would go back to the moment in which his hair whispered “Put more Frost n’ Tip on me, Gavin!” or the time his penis whispered “Put me inside the nanny, Gavin!” But if you ask Gavin, he’d like to go back to a couple years ago and try to convince Gwen Stefani to not file for divorce.

Gwen and Gavin were married for 13 years and have three kids, but that train fell off the rails after she finally had enough after allegedly catching him cheating. Gavin spoke about his split from Gwen to Fabulous magazine (via People) and says that he never wanted to get divorced.

“[Divorce] was completely opposite to what I wanted. Really not…” he sighs and stares at the floor. “But here we are. Apart from death, I think divorce is one of the hardest, most painful things to go through.”

As for if he’s ready to start dating after being single for 18 months, Gavin says: “I’ve so much going on, that’s not a factor right now.” Gwen Stefani, meanwhile, is reportedly tasting wedding cakes and picking out table linens.

But back to Gavin not wanting that divorce. He says divorce is the opposite of what he wanted, which would mean he wanted to stay married. Gwen has hinted that the reasons for their split are soap opera-levels of juicy, so what the hell did he think was going to happen? Gwen probably chose divorce as a cost-saving measure. She probably knew that they would go broke spending years in marriage counseling. Every session would end with a dramatic cliffhanger and a popcorn-eating therapist would be like “Oh my god, this is so good, you’ve got to come back next week.

Pic: Eddy

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