Category: Andy Dick

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before: Andy Dick Was Arrested For Residential Burglary

October 20, 2022 / Posted by:

Semi-professional arrestee Andy Dick continues to give Ezra Miller a run for their money, and while The Flash currently has the lead (as in the lead role in a multi-million dollar super-hero franchise), Andy’s right behind their ass when it comes to getting arrested and charged with felony residential burglary. It’s been almost six months since Andy’s last arrest, and I had just about counted him out of the race. But he came through with a last-minute burst of energy that, according to TMZ, found him allegedly stealing power tools from the garage of a Santa Barbara, CA house that he appears to have been squatting in. Ezra now has 24 hours to respond. Scratch that; Ezra can actually take their time because Andy’s been in jail for an entire week waiting for someone to pay his bond. This would be the perfect opportunity for Warner Bros to swoop in and offer Andy a three-picture deal. Booster Gold, perhaps?

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Andy Dick Was Arrested For Sexual Battery While On A YouTuber’s Livestream

May 12, 2022 / Posted by:

Andy Dick is back to his usual shenanigans. Which, for a stand-up comic, you’d think would be telling jokes in a bar somewhere. But no, we’re LONG past that with this one. Andy’s usual antics involve public intoxication, arrest, or assault. Or all three. He’s allegedly groped Uber drivers. He’s allegedly attacked Uber drivers. And he was arrested last year for allegedly attacking his boyfriend with a liquor bottle. And Andy’s latest arrest involves sexual assault allegations and him wondering where his coke is. The whole thing was also captured on a livestream.

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Andy Dick Got Arrested For Attacking His Boyfriend With A Liquor Bottle

November 11, 2021 / Posted by:

Noted mess Andy Dick was arrested for felony domestic battery on Monday. TMZ reports that Andy struck his boyfriend upside the head with a liquor bottle during an argument. The boyfriend was left with a deep cut, and when the cops showed up, they saw enough evidence to arrest Andy. He was released three hours later after posting a $50,000 bond. I know, it’s shocking. Andy has $50,000. Continue reading


Andy Dick Was Sentenced To 14 Days In Jail (But Served Only One Day)

December 11, 2019 / Posted by:

Andy Dick recently received a sentence of 14 days in jail for never completing his community service after he was charged with sexual battery back in 2018. Which to be honest between getting punched in the face for allegedly groping a man in New Orleans, being fired for being a perv, and allegedly groping an Uber driver, when would Andy Dick find the time to do his court ordered community serve?! Andy’s a busy man!

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