Category: Sex And The City

Glamour, Thy Name Is “And Just Like That.” Here’s The First Full Trailer For The “Sex And The City” Revival

December 1, 2021 / Posted by:

People suffering from Sex and The City blue balls are about to get a long-overdue release. Much like a seductive, sexually liberated woman, And Just Like That has been slowly revealing herself to us, teasingly removing one layer at a time. First, a glove. And to our horror, the hand it was on was missing a finger. The best finger at that! No, not that finger, the middle one. And that was almost a year ago that we learned Kim Cattrall’s Samantha would definitely not be appearing in it. The tease has continued apace all this year with one slow, boring reveal after another and here we are, on the precipice of a climax and we still ain’t seen nary a nipple. That’s because Carrie’s been walking these streets wearing so many damn clothes she looks like the bed at a buzzy Upper East Side house party on a chilly autumn night. But now, with just over a week to go before it premieres on HBO Max, AJLT has finally shrugged off her blouse and the full trailer is out.

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The Teaser Trailer For The “Sex And The City” Revival Is Here

November 12, 2021 / Posted by:

A teaser trailer has finally been released for the Sex and the City revival, And Just Like That…. I think the name should be changed to Drawn Out as All Hell because we’ve been hearing about it for a year. HBO dropped the first teaser trailer with actual footage today, and in it, they announced that it’ll premiere on December 9 and that’s when a “new chapter begins.” But well, Carrie is still topping her head with overwrought fashion fuckery, so I can’t help but wonder, is a new chapter really beginning?

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Open Post: Hosted By HBO Announcing That The “Sex And The City” Revival Will Debut In December

October 5, 2021 / Posted by:

The Sex and the City revival, And Just Like That…, has been releasing more teasers than a Marvel movie. Set photos have been all over the place, their Instagram page has been promoting the shit out of a show which has not even been filmed yet to its half a million followers. And now there’s a trailer which isn’t a trailer, and a release date… which isn’t a specific date… I couldn’t help but wonder, will HBO ever give this marketing nonsense a rest?

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Sarah Jessica Parker Says She’s Not Ready To Publicly Mourn Willie Garson

September 23, 2021 / Posted by:

On Tuesday Willie Garson passed away from pancreatic cancer at the way-too-young age of 57. He left behind one son, 19-year-old Nathen Garson. Very sad. As always, a big fuck you to cancer. Since the news broke, many of Willie’s former Sex and the City and White Collar co-stars have taken to social media to share their sadness about his death. Sarah Jessica Parker has yet to post anything, but she did comment on Chris Noth’s post with, “Thank you dearest Chris. I’m not ready yet. Xxx”

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Willie Garson, Star Of “Sex And The City,” Has Died At 57

September 22, 2021 / Posted by:

This news absolutely sucks for a variety of reasons, the biggest of which is that the Sex and the City franchise lost arguably one of its best, sweetest, most grounded in reality, least annoying characters. And by all accounts (at least by the massive outpouring of memorials from his former colleagues), Willie Garson was that too. Variety has confirmed that after a short illness, Willie Garson died yesterday at the age of 57.

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Nicole Ari Parker Has Reportedly Replaced Kim Cattrall In The “Sex And The City” Revival

August 23, 2021 / Posted by:

You know, in a metropolis like New York you would expect the cast of Sex and the City to have had at least ONE Black friend (and Jennifer Hudson as Carrie Bradshaw’s suffering assistant doesn’t count. And I say “suffering” because of the ugly purse that Carrie gave her). But no. And now, twenty-three years after its premiere, the producers must have said to themselves “Wait, there are black people in New York too?” because they have decided to throw beautiful sistah Nicole Ari Parker into the mix for the revival. And now it’s being reported that Nicole’s character completes the foursome after Kim Cattrall decided that she no longer wants to deal with Sarah Jessica Parker.

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