Category: Matthew Modine

SAG-AFTRA Presidential Hopeful Matthew Modine Threatened To Sue His Rival Candidate Fran Drescher

August 27, 2021 / Posted by:

The 90s girls are fighting again! It’s election season for SAG-AFTRA and it’s already turning into a bloodbath with scrunchies and flannels flying every which way. With outgoing president Andrea Zuckerman, sometimes if rarely referred to as Gabrielle Carteris, off to California University, she’s endorsing her fellow Unite For Strength party candidate, The titular nanny herself, Fran Drescher, as her replacement and noted Rent delinquent Anthony Rapp as secretary-treasurer. But not if the Budget Dread Pirate Roberts from Cutthroat Island, Matthew Modine, has anything to say about it!

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Here’s The Trailer For The Netflix’s “Operation Varsity Blues” Documentary

March 2, 2021 / Posted by:

Please hold some space in your heart today for Olivia Jade. The official trailer for Netflix’s hybrid documentary Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admission Scandal is out, forcing Olivia to once again disable the comments on her Instagram page. But that’s not the worst of it. Not only did she not get a part in the doc, but this doc is also not a Hallmark movie called Stop Ruining My Life Mom!: The Olivia Jade Story starring Olivia Jade as herself. Instead, the movie features recreations of the conversations captured by the FBI between Rick Singer, played here by Matthew Modine, and the rich parents who partnered with him to get their kids into elite colleges and also USC. That means whoever is going to be playing the voice of Felicity Huffman going “ruh roh is going to be the real star of the show (fingers crossed), and from the looks of it, Olivia’s mom and dad, Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli, have been relegated to the background.

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The Latest Jonas Brothers Video Pays Homage To Classic Movies And Features All Their Wives

January 17, 2020 / Posted by:

The Jonas Brothers got back together, remember? They have a new music video out for their latest single, What A Man Gotta Do, and like their previous video for Sucker, this one too costars all three Mrs. Jonases. In the video for WAMGD, with the help of their wives Priyanka Chopra, Danielle Jonas, and Sophie Turner, Nick, Kevin, Joe recreate scenes from Risky Business, Grease and Say Anything, which their young fans have probably never seen. But if you’re like me and watched The Circle on Netflix, you too may be wondering where the elusive 4th and 5th Jonas Brothers, Clayton and Steve, are. Maybe they’re unmarried, so they’ve been kicked out of the band. I guess wives are the new purity rings.

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Gabrielle Carteris Was Reelected As President Of SAG-AFTRA

August 29, 2019 / Posted by:

The results are in! Gabrielle Carteris has secured the crown and been reelected as president of SAG-AFTRA. I know presidents don’t wear a crown, but these are actors we’re talking about. There’s probably a crown, scepter, box of wigs, trophy, plaque, and full-sized marble statue that comes with that position. Gabby beat her closest rival, Matthew Modine, by quite a lot of votes. And he was in Vision Quest! He probably should have had Jake Ryan go door to door handing out screeners.

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Gabrielle Carteris Is Under Fire For Her Alledged Mishandling Of #Metoo Issues As SAG President

August 1, 2019 / Posted by:

Before we jump in, there’s a couple things I want to get out of the way so you can read this story without having a swarm of questions marks circling your head. First, Beverly Hills 90210’s own Andrea Zuckerman is the president of SAG-AFTRA, and has been since 2016. Maybe you know this, but it’s the kind of fact that goes in one ear and out the other because it’s too weird to dwell on. But now is the time we dwell. Secondly, Gabrielle Cartieris (Andrea’s earth name) is embroiled in a #metoo battle, and Mathhew Modine and Rosanna Arquette are her primary adversaries. What can I say, the 90s are back, baby!

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