Category: Fuckery Is Afoot

Chris Pratt Dismissed His Haters By Comparing Himself To Jesus

May 8, 2023 / Posted by:

For many, Chris Pratt has firmly cemented himself as The Worst Chris™ (movie edition; Chris Brown exists) for a wide array of offenses like bastardizing our beloved childhood characters, being a member of an anti-LGBTQ church, thanking his wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger for their “healthy daughter” while also having a medically fragile son with his ex-wife Anna Faris, and railing against his “woke” critics. Though if you asked him, he’d still probably say it was only because he’s super vocal about loving him some Jesus. The never shutting up about that is undoubtedly part of it, and right on cue, he’s at it again by citing scripture and comparing his struggle with detractors to Jesus’.

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Open Post: Hosted By Harry Styles Partaking In The Australian Tradition Of Drinking From A Shoe

February 21, 2023 / Posted by:

I’ve always had the impression that Australia’s a place with warm people who live in a beautifully diverse range of landscapes and climates, each with its own array of scary ways to meet one’s demise. But aside from animals like fucking pythons and roided out kangaroos, apparently, athlete’s throat is a peril recently plaguing musicians who tour there because they’ve been embracing the Aussie tradition of the “shoey,” or drinking from a shoe. Post Malone (who I just assume would drink beer from a shoe in any location) drank beer from a fan’s shoe while in Australia earlier this month, and now Harry Styles just joined in by drinking water from his own shoe during his tour stop in Perth yesterday.

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A Florida Bride And Her Caterer Were Charged With Lacing Their Wedding Food With Marijuana

April 22, 2022 / Posted by:

Today in FLORIDA, CNN reports that 42-year-old bride Danya Shea Svoboda and her caterer, 31-year-old Joycelyn Montrinice Bryant, have been arrested and charged after allegedly lacing their wedding food with cannabis. Oh, c’mon, what’s the big– wait, without the consent of the wedding guests? And a bunch of them got sick and thought they were going to die? OK, yeah, that’s pretty bad. You win again, McGruff the Crime Dog! Continue reading

John Boyega’s Agent Disputes Reports That He Quit The Movie “Rebel Ridge” Without Telling Anybody

June 24, 2021 / Posted by:

Back in June of last year when John Boyega was standing shoulder to shoulder with the throngs of people protesting police brutality and racial injustice, he stated that he wasn’t sure if his actions might jeopardize his career. Flash forward to June of this year and as IndieWire reports, John has exited from a starring role in the upcoming Netflix movie Rebel Ridge a week into filming under mysterious circumstances. Things got even more mysterious when this week on Twitter, John’s account lost its blue “verified” checkmark. Sources told The Hollywood Reporter that John disappeared without a trace and intimated that he was unprofessional. But Netflix and John’s agent have said he left for family reasons. John himself has not spoken out on the situation but whatever the case, John’s getting a lot of support on Twitter from folks who fear he is being blacklisted for speaking out against racism and for failing to kiss Baby Yoda’s ass with sufficient reverence.

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Open Post: Hosted By Justin Bieber Pretending Diplo Had The Wrong Number

June 20, 2021 / Posted by:

Justin Bieber has some ‘splaining to do, and for once this isn’t about his eye-assaulting, repeat offenses with launching Crocs collaborations, but we are still all totally owed restitution for those blinding, hole-punched messes, and one day he’s gonna pay. Today’s shifty transgression features Diplo, and while this fuckery is not of the foot-shaming variety, it does underscore the shadiness of Biebs’ character that ultimately led to the launch of his design empire, so its awfulness can’t be understated.

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