Category: Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson Confirms There Will Not Be A Sequel To “Black Adam”

December 21, 2022 / Posted by:

When it comes to superhero movies, you would think that casting Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson would be a move in the right direction. He’s giant, he’s covered in muscles, he loves to jump off of things, and he has an endless collection of nipple-suffocating tight shirts. Well, unfortunately, none of these things worked in his favor after his latest endeavor Black Adam essentially bombed at the box office. And since there’s no Captain Save-A-Franchise to swoop in and whisk him away from the dregs of financial ruin DC Studios will not be providing a Black Adam sequel anytime soon. And The Rock confirmed this sad news on Twitter, breaking the hearts of DC fanboys everywhere.

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Vin Diesel Dethrones Prince William As The Hottest Bald Man Of 2022

October 12, 2022 / Posted by:

For some reason, this news is making me react like this meme, but maybe I’m just judgmental. Last year, Prince Williamwon” the prestigious and totally real title of“Sexiest Bald Man” from a bunch of cosmetic surgery specialists. From the top of my head, hotter bald men include Stanley Tucci, Jason Statham, and Johnny Sins. But this year, Vin Diesel has been handed the title of Hottest Baldie.

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Brie Larson Has Joined The Cast Of “Fast & Furious 10”

April 11, 2022 / Posted by:

Fresh off from entering the NFT/Metaverse arena that charges people for *checks notes* nothing of any physical value, Brie Larson is joining The Fastiverse, or whatever they’re calling it. Hopefully, Brie’s trip into the Fast and Furious movies goes better than The Rock’s and it doesn’t end with her calling Vin Diesel a “chicken shit,”“candy ass.” But it probably will!

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Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Accuses Vin Diesel Of Trying To Manipulate Him Back For “The Fast & The Furious 10”

December 30, 2021 / Posted by:

First of all, please allow me to address the biggest oversight of all, which is why no one thought to call it Fast-10 Your Seatbelts. I’m clearly outraged about the wrong thing here, because if you ask Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, he’ll say the biggest issue facing the upcoming 10th The Fast & the Furious film is Vin Diesel’s manipulative meddling. The Fast & the Furious franchise is heading into its 10th theater-released film. And if Vin had his way, Fast 10 will also star The Rock. But The Rock doesn’t want any part of it and thinks Vin is playing emotional mind games to try to get him back on set for the final Fast film.

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Vin Diesel Invoked The Late Paul Walker While Asking Dwayne Johnson To Return To The Final “Fast And Furious” Movie

November 8, 2021 / Posted by:

Vin Diesel and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson are not friends. Vin’s talked about it, Dwayne’s talked about it and has also joked about it in his new movie. Since these two met on Fast Five they were destined to be rivals as there’s only room for one buff, bald man in Hollywood so one of them had to go. But not before one last hurrah! At least, that’s what Vin is hoping, as he’s taken to Instagram to ask Dwayne to return to the Fast and Furious franchise for the tenth and final movie. He even brought up the late Paul Walker. Jeez man, bringing up Paul Walker. Why not just have Meadow Walker go up to Dwayne’s doorstep and cry until he signs a contract?

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Gal Gadot Will Play The Evil Queen In Disney’s Live-Action “Snow White” Film

November 4, 2021 / Posted by:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who’s the hottest bitch of all? Duh, it’s Gal Gadot! Yep, Gal’s been cast to play the Evil Queen in Disney’s upcoming live-action remake of Snow White, which is set to start production in 2022. Rachel Zegler will play Snow White. I mean, say what you will about Gal and her acting chops and her politics and her iconic-for-all-the-wrong-reasons “Imagine” video, but she’s definitely attractive enough to play the Evil Queen. And, at the end of the day, that’s pretty much all that matters in show biz.

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