Category: Body Image

Rebel Wilson Talked About Dieting And Claims You Don’t Need To Eat As Many Calories As You Think

June 16, 2023 / Posted by:

As we all know, Rebel Wilson has lost weight. About 80 pounds in three years. In that time, she’s also gained a fiancée, Ramona Agruma, a baby daughter, Royce Lillian, a loungewear fashion brand, and a new dating app called Fluid (its whole thing is not labeling users’ sexuality). Last night, Rebel officially launched the app at an event in Beverly Hills and invited The Daily Mail to promote that shit. But, soon, the conversation shifted to how Rebel “maintains her incredible figure.” Turns out, Rebel eats better, exercises, and went to a super-fancy detox program in Austria that taught her the human body only needs 600 calories a day. Riiiight. Continue reading

Quinta Brunson Says Some Stylists Didn’t Want To Work With Her Because Of Her Curves

May 10, 2023 / Posted by:

Quinta Brunson covers May’s issue of InStyle wearing a lovely pink loofah. The interview focused on her FASHUN, and how the immediate success of Abbott Elementary meant lots of awards show red carpet appearances (remember when she had to step over Jimmy Kimmel’s dead body to pick up her Emmy?). Unfortunately for 33-year-old Quinta, finding a stylist was a challenge. She tells InStyle that her body committed “the cardinal sin: to be short and have the nerve to have any type of curve.” Short? Meh. Sure, if they’re skinny. Curvy? Only if the woman has a teeeny tiny waist to balance out her tits and ass. But short and curvy? SACRÉ BLEU! Throw her to the wolves!

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Rebel Wilson Said Her “Pitch Perfect” Contract Wouldn’t Let Her Lose More Than 10 Pounds

February 16, 2023 / Posted by:

Does Rebel Wilson actually act anymore? Her main gig seems to be going on podcasts to talk about her life (and shilling her loungewear fashion brand… and launching a new dating app… and raising her baby girl Royce). Honestly, I don’t blame her. Being a movie star sounds like a drag. Case in point, ET reports that, during a recent appearance on the podcast, Call Her Daddy, Rebel revealed she wasn’t allowed to lose more than ten pounds when she was under contract for the Pitch Perfect movies. Ten pounds?! What would studio execs do if she lost more? Force-feed her lard?

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Rosie O’Donnell Says She’s Lost 10 Pounds Since Christmas

January 19, 2023 / Posted by:

We’re well into the back half of January, which means some people have already failed their food/fitness-related New Year’s resolutions. But not Rosie O’Donnell! According to People, Rosie recently took to TikTok to share that she’s lost 10 pounds since Christmas, and she’s “very happy.” The reason? A combo of diabetes drugs and cutting out Coca-Cola and booze. And before you accuse 60-year-old Rosie of jumping on the Ozempic/Mounjaro/Repatha for weight loss bandwagon, she reveals she actually has type 2 diabetes. How… refreshing?

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Selena Gomez Commented On A TikTok About Her Being “Always Skinny” When She And Justin Bieber Were Together

December 13, 2022 / Posted by:

Despite Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber quitting each other’s dysfunctional asses ages ago, controversy still continues to break out on account of “Jelena.” This time, five whole years after the breakup, someone made a TikTok about why Selena was “always skinny” when she was with Justin. And according to the video, no, the reasoning wasn’t because Hollywood is a toxic superficial cesspool, or because she was literally a teenager back then, or because it’s her body and she wanted to be, or because she was suffering from multiple illnesses that resulted in needing an eventual (now contentious) donated kidney from her (ex?) friend or all of the above–but because Selena left one comment on Instagram a while back that Justin would “rather models,” and she’s “too normal.”  And either Selena agrees that Justin was the reason or is annoyed at the TikToker for implying he was or for making a TikTok about her weight at all because she left an ambiguous sad face emoji in the comment section of the video, and now everyone’s even more confused than before.

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Rebel Wilson Got Shit For Not Including Plus Sizes In Her New Clothing Line

November 29, 2022 / Posted by:

Apparently, new momma Rebel Wilson has launched a clothing line with her partner, designer Ramona Agruma. It’s a loungewear fashion brand called R&R Club. OK, sure. Except, uh oh! This non-story got the “non” kicked outta it because of a sizing controversy. R&R Club’s first collection (so far it’s just a white hoodie and matching sweat pants) is only available in sizes XS to XL. Page Six reports that some of Rebel’s fans and fat activists on social media are pissed that R&R Club doesn’t include plus sizes. Especially since 42-year-old Rebel was plus size up until 2020, when she lost around 80 pounds for her “Year of Health.” Sorry, Rebel, but that’s just rude! No, not the sizing thing, the “losing a bunch of weight during the pandemic, unlike the rest of us, who ballooned to epic proportions” thing. Continue reading

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