Category: Stupid Food

Open Post: Hosted By The New TikTok Trend Where People Drink A Grimace Shake From McDonald’s And Pretend To Pass Out

June 27, 2023 / Posted by:

For the past 83 years, McDonald‘s has been providing late-night drunken meals and early-morning bubblegut sandwiches for people who love questionable food. They also tend to introduce questionable drinks as well, including their purple passion project milkshake named after Barney’s long-lost dopey cousin Grimace, one of their OG mascots from back in the day. In celebration of his 52nd birthday, The Grimace Shake is the latest offering in McDonald’s arsenal of sweet treats, and it’s catching on with their consumers. But not because it’s the best thing that’s ever come out of the franchise (which is the equally questionable mystery meat sandwich known as the McRib). Mainly because the youth have found a way to spend their money on the shake just to waste it in a challenge where it appears they’ve died after drinking it.

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Open Post: Hosted By The New Breakfast Flavored Cup Noodles

March 30, 2023 / Posted by:

Spring is a time of rebirth, so Big FoodBev has seemingly been putting in work to disgust and/or delight us with “innovative” new products. Finally, there’s a convenient new food worthy of washing down with that limited edition Peepsi! Cup Noodles (or “Cup O’Noodles,” if ya nasty) just released a new instant ramen flavor: breakfast. 

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Open Post: Hosted By Ina Garten’s Skepticism Of The Significance Of Bay Leaves

December 20, 2022 / Posted by:

When Ina Garten isn’t fielding steamy texts from her husband Jeffrey Garten, she’s Cooking For Jeffrey. Ina loves to host dinner parties for negligible-to-most reasons to celebrate–like the 37th anniversary of the time she and Jeffrey got caught over-the-pants rubbing at the drive-in. But even though Ina is an old pro in the kitchen, she couldn’t give a definitive answer when someone pondered the usefulness of bay leaves in any recipe that calls for them.

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Open Post: Hosted By The FDA’s Warning About The Dangers Of NyQuil-Marinated Chicken

September 20, 2022 / Posted by:

Despite Chef Pii, the mastermind of Pink Sauce, not knowing what the acronym “FDA” stands for or what they do, the agency’s plate has been full of disgusting TikTok food lately–including her questionable condiment that probably wasn’t safe for consumption before its recent journey to legitimacy. Like Whac-A-Mole, when one stupid food viral trend dissipates another arrives, and this time the Food & Drug Administration has had to step in to warn against the cooking and eating of chicken breasts marinated in NyQuil. The recipe’s called “Sleepy Chicken” or “NyQuil Chicken,” and while it’s definitely been cooked by someone on TikTok to get a reaction, it’s unclear if anyone has been dumb enough to actually eat it to sleep, perchance to robotrip.

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Open Post: Hosted By The Legitimate Mass Production Of TikTok’s Pink Sauce

August 24, 2022 / Posted by:

This summer’s hottest risky food item was Pink Sauce, a–wait for it– sauce that’s pink made viral on TikTok by mastermind, Chef Pii (legal name: Veronica Shaw). However, in Pink Sauce’s short stint in the limelight, Chef Pii has had to deal with a few hiccups, like people complaining about her shipping the dairy-containing, shelf-unstable sauce to them in the summer heat and it obviously showed up an exploded, hot rancid mess. Then, the pesky FDA poked their nose into her venture (despite her not knowing who they were or what they do) to stop this mess since Pink Sauce wasn’t FDA approved. All seemed lost for everyone who wanted record themselves biting into chicken smothered in a milky pink sauce to post on the internet for virtual validation, as Chef had to hang up her sauce production for a beat. But lucky for Chef Pii, Dave’s Gourmet, the company behind the popular torture condiment, Dave’s Insanity Sauce, is taking her Pink Sauce under their (hot buffalo) wing to help her mass produce it.

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