Mark Ronson Approves

/ June 10, 2008

Mark Ronson, 32, on his sister SamRo, 30, dating HoHan:

My sister and Lindsay make a cute couple, don’t they?

Depends on the lighting. For the record, SamRo and HoHan have never confirmed that they’re bumping bald kitties. Mark is just stirring the pot and I wish he did it on YouTube…..with no clothes on. And who knew SamRo was fucking 30? HoHan’s only 21 and looks like she can be SamRo’s mama je’e.


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Hot Tub Eliminations?!

/ June 10, 2008

Wonky McValtrex isn’t the only raggedy tampon looking for a best friend on MTV. Brody Jenner has just been given his own reality show on MTV called “Bromance.” Yes, Bromance. And it gets even douchier. The six episode series will follow a bunch of dudes as they compete to win Brody’s love…..I mean…his friendship.

This douche extravaganza will be produced by Ryan Gaycrest. You know Gaycrest cried when he was told he couldn’t be a contestant.

Challenges will include circle jerk on a pizza and a Shia LaDouche bitch slap match. You know, typical hazing shit.

Each episode will end with a “hot tub elimination ceremony.” That reminds of that disgusting video of the girl shitting in a hot tub! I’m sure Brody’s ceremony will be very similar. A hot tub full of shit! Anyway, the eliminated dude will have to get out of the hot tub and leave the house dripping wet. I’m sure Gaycrest is hiding cameras in the jacuzzi jets.

Source: People

Thanks Mike

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Save It For the Cameras

/ June 10, 2008

Ceiling eyes Audrina and LC from “The Hills” got into a backyard fight over some stupid ass photo shoot. TMZ reports that LC came home to find Audrina in the middle of a shoot with some magazine. LC flipped out because she promised exclusive pictures of their backyard to another magazine. Exclusive pictures of a dumb backyard? These fake celebrities are so weird. Both of these dumb whores need to have a cupcake and sit down.

Audrina apparently got approval from LC’s manager. She has one of those?

Can you imagine seeing these two boring ass fools trying to fight without a script? LC probably kept yelling “LINE! LINE!” and didn’t know what to say when nobody responded.

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May’s Hot Slut Of The Month Is Michelle Duggar

/ June 10, 2008

Michelle Duggar and her weepy vagina beat out Alannah Currie, Norma Stitz, John Davidson and Sonia from Operacion Repo to become May’s Hot Slut of the Month! I approve. It will be a long ass summer for Michelle. She’s knocked up with baby #18 and due later this year or early next year.

I seriously need to get a new picture of this hot ho. When she pops out her latest creation, I’m taking her to Glamour Shots. Below is a new video of Michelle talking about her pregnancy. She says she’s craving pickles. Slut! That’s what got her into this mess in the first place.

Thanks to all who voted!

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Afternoon Crumbs

/ June 10, 2008

The hottest prom in history! Finally some real fucking fashion – Crunk + Disorderly

Kate Hudson’s enormous rack – Hollywood Tuna

Mimi needs some spray-on abs again – Popsugar

Helena Christensen is a total MILF – IDLYITW

Pussy vs. plastic cake boxCityrag

HoHan and SamRo’s threesome with Lily AllenA Socialite’s Life

Spitzi’s main ho in a bikini with a douchalicious tattoo – Egotastic!

Whoopi Goldberg’s erotic moment (site NSFW) – Drunken Stepfather

Marky Mark wants 9 kids. Slut – Just Jared

Hillary Clinton gets a free supply of vodka. Lush – Hollywood Rag

Why is Justin Timberlake still around? – Towleroad

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Get This Penis Off My Back!

/ June 10, 2008

A little baby in China was reportedly born with an extra peen on his back. The baby was born to a farmer and his wife in China’s Henan province. The Sun reports that the condition is called fetus in fetu. He was taken to the hospital and the extra peen was removed. Thankfully, baby is fine after surgery and all is well. Dick happens!

Why can’t I wake up with an extra dick on my back? I mean, a permanent dick on my back. It would make life so much more interesting.

The NSFWish picture of baby with a peen on his back is after the jump. JUMP!!!

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