Category: Drunks

So, Johnny Depp Got A Little Drunk Last Night At The Hollywood Film Awards…

November 15, 2014 / Posted by:

The 18th Annual Hollywood Film Awards were held last night in what I assume is the restricted employees-only back entrance to Space Mountain (note: I’m told it’s actually the Hollywood Palladium), and in case you have no idea what the Hollywood Film Awards are, it’s sort of like the Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence, but for film. Regardless, lots of legitimate celebrities show up, including A-list semi-professional hipster hobo pirate Johnny Depp.

Johnny was on hand to present the Hollywood Documentary Award to Mike Myers (yes, The Love Guru Mike Myers) for his documentary about Hollywood talent manager Shep Gordon, Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon. And it appears they serve booze at the Hollywood Film Awards, because Johnny was rolling like a Lohan. Johnny began by approaching the microphone and instantly trying to pick a drunk fight with it. Then he tried reading off the teleprompter, but when that proved to be a fucking challenge, he went off-script, started swearing (CBS had to bleep it, naturally), then using about 8 syllables to pronounce “music industry”. Damn, Gilbert Grape – get your shit together!

Or maybe this was all just a brilliant marketing ploy by CBS to get people to start watching the Hollywood Film Awards? The Hollywood Film Awards airs in the middle of November on a Friday night, so if I had to guess their current audience, it’s either people who fell asleep on the couch or cats who’s owners don’t want them to feel lonely when they leave the house. But if they started getting everyone suuuuper drunk before they hit the stage, people might start watching that shit, because who doesn’t love to see a famous person drunk off their ass? I mean, it totally worked – before this morning, I had no idea what the Hollywood Film Awards were. Good job, guys!

The Cake Boss Got Arrested For DWI This Morning

November 13, 2014 / Posted by:

Apparently it’s disgraced TLC star day at Dlisted! First we have Mama June from Here Comes Honey Boo Boo lying about seeing her sex offender boyfriend, and now we have Buddy Valastro from Cake Boss getting busted for a DWI. What’s next, a leaked sex tape starring Camille from Say Yes To The Dress? NO! Camille is a classy lady! She would NEVER!

According to TMZ, the boss of cakes was pulled over around 1am Thursday morning after cops saw a yellow Corvette swerving around 10th Avenue in Manhattan. A spokesperson for the NYPD says that when they approached the car, it was pretty obvious that Buddy was drunk; his breath smelled like booze and his eyes were all red and blurry. Then when they asked him to step out of the car, Buddy’s feet started doing the hard shit shuffle (aka he failed a sobriety test), so they took his ass to the station where they booked him for drunk driving. Boozy Valastro stayed at the station until late this morning. I wonder if at any point during his incarceration he drunkenly looked over at the dirty toilet in his cell and said “Hey, I made one of you out of cake once!

I’m not shocked that someone like Buddy can’t handle his booze. Buddy has been working around cakes for most of his life, so his internal organs are most likely 90% fondant by now, and everybody know that mixing sugar and booze is bad news! Even if he was drinking straight alcohol, it’s going to turn into mind fuck punch by the time it hits his stomach. Come on Buddy – anyone who’s ever poured a bottle of vodka into a jug of Sunny D knows that sugar and booze will make you do some dumb shit!


JLo And Leah Remini Got Rammed From Behind By A Drunk Driver

September 28, 2014 / Posted by:

JLo and Leah Remini (who is scaring me by morphing into JLo) were stopped at a red light on PCH in Malibu yesterday when a crazed drunk driver in a pick-up truck rear-ended their car. So many Big Booty jokes, so little time. TMZ says that the drunk driver busted out of the scene after rear-ending JLo and Leah. One of them called the cops and the driver was pulled over not far from the scene of the crime. After the cops determined that the driver was drunk, they were arrested for DUI and hit-and-run. Nobody in JLo’s car, including two kids, was injured.

Even a drunk driver can’t put a dent in JLo and Leah’s sexyface face. JLo threw up this picture on Instagram along with this note that was filled with approximately five million hashtags. I know JLo doesn’t drink, but bitch hashtags like a drunk.

Sitting at a light, Riding high right before some drunk fool rear ended us in my new whip!!! Thank god everyone ok!!! #GRATEFUL #THANKYOUGOD #DontdrinkandDrive!!!! #cursedthatfoolout #theBronxcameout #dontmesswithmycocnuts #mamabear #leahstayedcalm #thatwasweird

I’ve got one for JLo: #CalmDownOnTheFuckingClownLipstickAndTheHashtags.

So, a crazy drunk bitch in a pick-up truck ran into a car with Leah Remini in it? Let me guess, the drunk driver was also heard screaming, “JUSTICE FOR XENU,” as they sped away and the cops later discovered that the driver’s pick-up truck was filled with empty Dunkin’ Donuts boxes and plastic Coolatta cups. See, this what happens when Dunkin’ Donuts opens up in L.A. Kirstie Alley overdoses on that shit, goes crazier and gets the idea to assassinate her sworn enemy Leah Remini. Get over it already, Kirstie!

Here’s JLo and Leah leaving a restaurant in West Hollywood the other night.

Pics: Splash, Instagram

The City Of Toronto Won’t Get A Two-Term Drunken Crackhead Mayor After All

September 12, 2014 / Posted by:

Sad news for those of you who were looking forward to another four beautiful years of watching the human crack rock in Dollarama Chris Farley drag stumble around like a giant vodka-chugging drug-smoking baby. The Globe and Mail says that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has withdrawn from the mayoral race. The grown-up garbage pail kid is currently laid-up in the hospital with an abdominal tumor (aka a 10lb crack rock that got stuck on a piece of ham in his lower intestine) but he released a statement saying that he’s no longer pursuing re-election, however he’ll still be running for a seat in city council. He also said he’s giving his place in the mayoral race to his brother Doug Ford, a dude who looks like the definition of a shady tip-stealing strip club owner.

This all comes literally 3 days after convicted rapist and visual representation of bad decisions, Mike Tyson, publicly endorsed Rob Ford in his run for re-election. You know, before he lost his shit on live TV and called a reporter a ‘rat piece of shit’. “Ooh, that’s a good one! I’ll have to remember that for the next time I go on a crackie rant!” – Rob Ford.

So there you have it; the little drug-fueled engine that could barely is pulling into the station for good. I feel like now is a good time for someone to make an ‘In Memoriam’ video featuring a slow-motion montage of the human ball of sweat’s greatest moments as mayor set to the song “Gold in Them Hills“. Rob Ford running into a news camera. Rob Ford running into a fire hydrant. Rob Ford running through city hall and knocking over an elderly council member. Rob Ford trying to run on a football field and falling on his ass. There’s just so much footage to pick from. He’s like a one-man America’s Funniest Home Video segment.

And is it just me, or does it look like Mayor McCheese has lost a little bit of weight? Maybe someone’s cut off his food supply at home.

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Denzel Washington Went To Rehab Because He Spent A Month Partying His Face Off On A Booze Cruise

August 16, 2014 / Posted by:

Denzel Washington spent the month of July on a yacht with his wife rippin’ and tearin’ and guzzling down booze like a human funnel and channeling a 1994 spring break and just generally living the dream. Literally a tear fell from my eye when I pictured waking up every morning for 30 days on a million-dollar yacht and doing nothing but dry humping margaritas till I fell asleep on a pile pool noodles. But apparently the shame sector in Denzel Washington’s brain is still functioning (mine dried up the second I drank an entire 2L bottle of Chi-Chi’s Mexican Mudslide) because TMZ says that the second the boat docked, he got out and took a taxi straight to rehab to dry out.

A source close to Denzel claims that the actor spent the past two weeks detoxing at a residence in Orange County after he pumped his veins full of the good shit, the bad shit, and everything in between. Apparently it wasn’t just for booze; Denzel was there to cleanse his body of “toxins”, and was working with a chef, a trainer, and a nutritionist to do so. After two weeks in the ‘hab, he’s out and back to his regular old self.

Who knew that Denzel Washington was such a party animal?? I always thought he was a serious quiet gentleman who read leather-bound books and took Italian cooking classes and took piano lessons in his spare time. Turns out you put the dude on a boat with a couple of Mai Tais, and he turns into a Lohan-level MESS.

And I like that Denzel went to rehab for something that all of us do during the months of July and August anyway. Sure, maybe we don’t rent a yacht, but the second the clock hits 11:59pm on June 30th, you, me, and everyone else with low immune systems catches Summer Fever and we don’t stop guzzling the sweet stuff till Labor Day. Right? It’s not just me? Please tell me it’s not just me. “It’s just you trick” – the bottle of ‘daytime’ sangria in my fridge.

So How Is Charlie Sheen Doing?

July 16, 2014 / Posted by:

When you’re waiting in line at a Taco Bell drive-thru late at night, you pretty much expect to see a plastered, no-tooth-having, crackhead mess wandering around between cars. But in L.A., the drunken Taco Bell drive-thru trolls are famous! Case in point: A guy and his girlfriend were at a Taco Bell when in the distance they spotted a wild Charlie Sheen looking like cold Hell dragged through ten puddles of lukewarm shit and dumpster syrup. In other words, like his usual, beautiful self!

The guy and his girlfriend called Charlie over and when the grand pimp of #winning stumbled up to their window, he said the words he didn’t need to say since it’s already a given. Charlie said, “Sorry, I’m so fuckin’ hammered.” How Charlie hasn’t officially changed his name to “So F.N. Hammered” is beyond me? Charlie showed his fans the Charlie Brown tattoo on his tit and he also sanded the skin right off of their faces with his extra coarse sandpaper voice. THAT VOICE. Charlie Sheen’s porn star pieces don’t have to spend money on getting their coochies waxed, because he can pull their pubes out by the root just by grunting at their crotches. Charlie played with his fans for a little bit before some dude he was with named Gary (probably his sober coach and driver) told him to let ’em go.

Charlie Sheen is a dingle-covered asshole who put his own kids out on the street, but at least he didn’t drive while hammered or try to steal those people’s shit like some other messes we know (LINDSAY LOHAN and SHIA LABEOUF).

But you know, Charlie isn’t even the biggest mess in this video. Those people in the car are. Who admits on camera that they’re a fan of Charlie Sheen?

via Reddit


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