Category: Marie Kondo

Writer Yashar Ali Tried To Come For Alison Roman For Cultural Appropriation And Chrissy Teigen Got Hit In The Crossfire

June 9, 2020 / Posted by:

I needn’t remind you that we are currently living in the inevitable hellscape that was kicked off the moment Christopher Columbus’ goofy little boot first touched down on North American soil. Many horrible yet predictable scenarios have come to pass since then, but if anyone had “Halloween themed race-based cookbook author wars waged on Twitter in the middle of a global pandemic” on their Great American Experiment bingo card, can I hit you up for some lotto numbers?

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Alison Roman Returned To Instagram To Update Us On Her Rehabilitation

May 27, 2020 / Posted by:

I hope Alison Roman spent some of her time off baking a batch of The Cookies to put in the gift basket she owes Lana Del Rey as a thank you for acting as a human shield this week. Thanks to Lana, things are almost back to normal wherein Alison Roman’s existence is but a mere fact filed in the back of my mind like a can of chickpeas in my pantry that I keep forgetting about until I go to put away the new can I just bought like shit, now I have six. Yesterday, Alison tested the waters with a post confirming her leave from the New York Times by directing her followers to her newsletter. She also let us know that even though you’ve spent the past few weeks forgetting who she was, she’s been stewing (yes I did, deal with it) over her situation “24/7.

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The New York Times Has Placed Columnist Alison Roman On Temporary Leave

May 20, 2020 / Posted by:

The New York Times has put their star food columnist, Alison Roman, on temporary leave after she talked mad shit about Chrissy Teigen and Marie Kondo in an interview last week. Alison might want to consider using her newly found time off to get reconstructive foot surgery after shooting herself in it by singling out two women of color to call “sell-outs”, one of whom (Chrissy Teigen) is an executive producer on a cooking show Alison had just sold. There was also the uncomfortable “please to” line directed at Marie which Alison swears wasn’t her being racist and was just an inside joke among friends.

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Chrissy Teigen Is Taking A Break From Social Media After That Drama With Cookbook Author Alison Roman

May 11, 2020 / Posted by:

Over the weekend, foodie Twitter was shaken to its core when New York Times best-selling cookbook author Alison Roman came after Chrissy Teigen and Marie Kondo, knives drawn, and accused them of being sell-outs for having cookware lines. Alison said “damn, bitch, you fucking sold out immediately” when referring to Marie’s online store and appeared to mock her accent saying “please to buy my cutting board.” Of Chrissy, Alison said she was “horrified” by her business model which includes a line of cookware at Target. And Alison said that Chrissy’s Cravings Instagram page is “just, like, people running a content farm for her.” No surprise, Chrissy took issue and #tooktotwitter to defend herself. Eventually, The Roman Army managed to do what not even the President Of The United States could manage. It drove Chrissy to set her Twitter account to private.

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Marie Kondo Changed Her Mind And Now Wants You To Buy More Stuff From Her New Online Store

November 20, 2019 / Posted by:

I’m sure everybody who rushed to organize their house after watching Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix back in January, has already gone back to living like a pig and replaced all the shit they thoughtfully donated to Goodwill with even more useless crap than they had before. Now, perhaps inevitably, Marie has cashed in on her celebrity with an online store selling useless crap to fill the KonMari method void she helped create. Sure it’s very expensive, minimalist design crap, but useless all the same. But at least now you have options! While Goop’s crystal infused water bottle sells for $80, Marie’s is $98 and features “interchangeable vials of fair-trade gemstones” made in the German Alps. And while she doesn’t offer a BDSM kit (yet), with a $75 tuning fork that’s paired with an oblong crystal (rose, clear, or smokey quartz), Marie will have you sparking joy out your ass.

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A Celebrity Organizer Has Accused Marie Kondo Of Stealing Her Folding Method

June 17, 2019 / Posted by:

It’s a good thing professional organizer Marie Kondo loves mess so damn much because she’s now at the center of one. Linda Koopersmith, also known as The Beverly Hills Organizer, is accusing Marie of stealing her upright folding method and passing it off as her own. Linda claims to have invented the idea way back in 1989. And not only does Linda think Marie ripped her off, she thinks her little “sparking  joy” shtick is stupid. It’s the organizational folding wars of 2019 that nobody saw coming!

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