Category: Lawsuit

Diana Jenkins Of “Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills” Has Settled Her Defamation Lawsuit With Crazy Days And Nights

June 28, 2023 / Posted by:

Just when we thought we’d never hear from Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills one season wonder Diana Jenkins ever again, the former housewife is licking her lips in victory after announcing the settlement of her defamation lawsuit against blogger Enty Lawyer who’s behind the blind item site Crazy Days And Nights which made claims throughout their website, social media page, and Patreon that Diana is involved in a sex trafficking ring linked to Jeffrey Epstein.

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Judge Throws Out The Child Abuse Lawsuit Over The Nude Scene In 1968’s “Romeo And Juliet”

May 26, 2023 / Posted by:

Waaaayyy before Sam Levinson’s insatiable need to force his audience into watching naked “high schooler,” there was Franco Zeffirelli, who directed the 1968 Romeo and Juliet film.  The film features a scene where we see the bare butt of Leonard Whiting (Romeo) and the bare breasts of Olivia Hussey (Romeo), and well, they were underage at the time. Olivia was 15, and Leonard was 16. And back in January, Olivia and Leonardo, who are now both 72, filed a $500 million lawsuit against Paramount Pictures for sexually exploiting them as minors and for distributing nude images of children. But word just dropped that the judge is throwing out the case.

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Olivia Wilde And Jason Sudeikis File To Dismiss Their Ex Nanny’s Case Against Them

May 5, 2023 / Posted by:

In the midst of battling it out in a messy child custody and support fight, there is one thing uniting Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis– and it’s not their kids. The exes are coming together to tell their ex-nanny, Ericka Genaro, to fuck off with her wrongful termination lawsuit, asking the judge to dismiss the case. Because, well, they already have enough legal bills to deal with.

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Samantha Markle Has Re-Filed Her Defamation Lawsuit Against Half-Sister Meghan Markle

April 15, 2023 / Posted by:

Samantha Markle sued her half-sister Meghan Markle last year for defamation over shit that Meghan said during her interview with Oprah in 2021. (The people should sue Samantha Markle for bringing up that damn interview again!) Meghan said things during the interview, like that she was raised as an only child, that Samantha didn’t like. Or someone told her she could sue for that because she did. Meghan’s side argued that she was just sharing her own opinion on her own childhood, and it’s her First Amendment right to do so. The judge ended up throwing the lawsuit into the trash earlier this month. Well, Samantha pulled that lawsuit out of the trash, wiped away the remnants of the judge’s lunch, changed some stuff on it, and re-filed it. Fingers crossed for ole’ Suin’ Sammy.

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A New Lawsuit Accuses Kanye West’s Donda Academy Of Violating Health And Safety Regulations And Only Allowing Sushi For Lunch

April 7, 2023 / Posted by:

Kanye West’s unaccredited K-12 Christian private school, Donda Academy, in Simi Valley, CA, opened last year, and things have been messy ever since. It was reported that Kanye makes the parents of his school, where tuition is reportedly $15,000 a year, sign NDAs. People also threw side-eyes at the fact that the school’s principal, Brianne Campbell, is an actress and choir director and has no formal experience as an educator. And last October, one teacher, who is Jewish, resigned over Kanye’s antisemitism. Now the school is facing a lawsuit from two former teachers for racial discrimination and wrongful termination. In their lawsuit, the former teachers air all the dirty details going on behind closed doors. And I literally mean dirty cause, apparently, there are no janitors at the school! The two teachers, Cecilia Hailey and Chekarey Byers, state that they were Donda Academy’s only Black teachers and were fired after they complained about the school’s dreadful conditions. They claim that Kanye’s school “violated education, health and safety codes, terminated educators based on race and retaliation, and failed to fully pay teachers.” And here’s the special Kanye twist- the school serves sushi every single day for lunch and only sushi. Any outside food is banned. The lawsuit claims that Donda Academy spends $10,000 a week on sushi. No wonder their teachers aren’t getting fully paid- all the tuition money is going toward maki tuna!

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Steven Tyler Denies Sexually Assaulting A Minor In The 70s And Her Attorney Hit Back At Him

April 6, 2023 / Posted by:

In December, a woman named Julia Misley filed a lawsuit against Steven Tyler, alleging that he sexually abused her in the 1970s when she was barely 16 and he was 25. Julia said that she hoped her lawsuit will “expose an industry that protects celebrity offenders.”  Steven filed a response last week refuting her claims by, get this, saying he did nothing wrong, that she consented to their relationship, and that he has immunity since he was her legal guardian at the time. What in the the mental gymnastics??

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