Category: Daytime TV Drama

Meghan McCain Has Reportedly Been “Miserable” On “The View” Since She Started

July 2, 2021 / Posted by:

Yesterday Meghan McCain announced that she’s leaving The View after four years, and that this current season would be her last. Meghan claimed her decision was based on not wanting to move back to NYC where the show tapes. During the pandemic, Meghan, her husband, Ben Domenech, and their nearly one-year-old daughter Liberty, had been living in the Washington, D.C. area. Except Page Six’s sources make it sound like it was the easiest decision Meghan has made in her life, because she hated her job and wanted to quit ASAP.

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Whoopi Goldberg And Meghan McCain Got Into A Very Messy Fight On “The View,” Which Ended In A Joint Apology

June 17, 2021 / Posted by:

That look of pure exasperation on Whoopi Goldberg’s face can only mean one of two things: the dry cleaners way over-starched her favorite white dress shirt (“I said light starch! Whoopi is a casual woman!“), or she’s been trapped in a messy on-air argument with Meghan McCain again. Today on The View, Meghan turned up her patented brand of adult brattiness, except this time, her usual favorite target Joy Behar was spared, and Whoopi was caught in the line of fire instead. It got so bad, both women had to offer up an awkward, uncomfortable apology afterward. Ironic, considering their whole fight actually started because of a fight about apologies.

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Ellen DeGeneres Is Now Showering Her Staff With A Bunch Of Workplace Perks

August 20, 2020 / Posted by:

It was recently brought to Ellen DeGeneres’ attention that the people working on her show, Ellen, were actual human people, and not just a bunch of cogs and gears in one big, giant daytime TV machine called the MoneyMaker-2000. A fact I will forgive her for because it’s difficult to see that your employees have a face when you’ve allegedly instructed them to never look in your direction. Ellen is apparently trying to make the Ellen show a good place to work, and that means being extremely DeGenerous to her current employees.

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Ellen DeGeneres Has Fired Three Senior Producers From Her Show

August 18, 2020 / Posted by:

Long before Pink was powering-belting about today being the day she’s been waiting for, the theme song for Ellen was an upbeat little dance club ditty that urged you to “have a little fun today.” Well, just like that old theme song, the opportunity to have a little fun today is officially over for three senior producers of Ellen. Like one of Ellen DeGeneres’ favorite executive producers (and alleged workplace harasser) Kevin Leman, seen in a bit with Ellen above. Kevin, along with two others, won’t be returning to the show, effective immediately. And Ellen is very sorry that things turned into a shit-show behind the scenes.

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Portia de Rossi Is Sticking By Ellen DeGeneres’ Side No Matter What

August 3, 2020 / Posted by:

When we last checked in with the saga between Ellen DeGeneres and those reputation-killing accusations, we were dealing with conflicting reports regarding her future as the host of her daytime TV talk show Ellen. There was one report that claimed Ellen couldn’t see how she could carry on with business as usual, what with all the stories about how working on the show is awful. But there was also talk that Ellen had no plans to leave her show and that she was fighting to make it a better place. Well, much like her invitation to Dakota Johnson’s birthday party, it sounds like Ellen is ready to bail. But no matter what she inevitably chooses to do, her wife of nearly 12 years Portia de Rossi is sticking with her.

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Wendy Williams Thinks That Other Stay-At-Home TV Hosts Look “Disgusting”

May 10, 2020 / Posted by:

How you doin’? More like, what you thinking? Some of you lazy television show slobs working from home have been literally and figuratively phoning it in for weeks now, and it shows. That’s according to the effortlessly chic and stunning natural beauty Wendy Williams who had something to say about the lack of glamour on our screens right now. Glass houses, throw stones, etc….

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