Category: Spotify

Spotify Pulls Most Of Neil Young’s Music After He Gave Them An Ultimatum About Joe Rogan

January 27, 2022 / Posted by:

Joe Rogan, a polarizing character. Some, like Aaron Rodgers or your cousin Kyle who failed high school science, believe he’s a beacon of smart ideas. Others look at Joe Rogan and wonder how the host of Fear Factor was able to garner so much credibility. Neil Young, well – it’s pretty clear where he stands on Joe Rogan (and don’t say “At least four inches taller?“, we’re not here to make those kinds of jokes). On Monday, Neil Young, who believes in COVID-19 vaccines, posted an open letter to his personal website declaring his intention to pull all his music if Spotify didn’t finally do something about the unsubstantiated COVID claims Joe Rogan makes on their platform. Spotify took Neil up on his offer and removed most of his songs.

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Spotify Is Hiring People To Work On Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s Archewell Audio Podcast

January 26, 2022 / Posted by:

Perhaps in a desperate move to placate Neil Young, Spotify looks to be making moves to knock Joe Rogan down a peg or two by getting a team together to get Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s long-ballyhooed Archewell Audio podcast up and running. According to Newsweek, Spotify is hiring producers to work on a new weekly show that will feature interviews with “high profile women.” I can’t think of a better way of counter-programming Joe’s douche-bro boner fest than with an ex-Sussex suck-up session!

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Ivanka Trump May Have Made Her Spotify Sex Playlist Public

October 26, 2017 / Posted by:

Those who say that journalism is dead will eat their words when reading HuffPo’s report on the discovery of what they think is First Complicit Daughter Ivanka Trump and her senior White House adviser husband Jared Kushner’s Spotify playlist for bonin’. To those of you who naturally assumed the list would feature “Let’s Fuck” by The Dwarves, my condolences. It turns out that nothing gets Ivanka and Jared slippier than a sexless, whiny James Blunt ditty about stalking. “Jar Jar, tonight I want to cum to ‘You’re Beautiful!’ Make it happen or I’LL TELL DADDY!Continue reading

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