Category: AUDACITY

Erika Jayne Owes California $2.2 Million In Taxes, But Intends To Keep Her Glam Squad

June 17, 2022 / Posted by:

The last few times we’ve seen The Real Housewives of Beverly HillsErika Jayne Girardi here, she’s been the sad gourd in the center of a cornucopia of bad shit like being sued for “aiding and abetting” her (at some point, ex-) husband, former lawyer Tom Girardi, in embezzling money from plane crash victims’ families and having many of her lavish items (except allegedly that crusty lingerie in Tom’s desk wasn’t hers) sold off to pay her and her Tom’s many creditors. The hits keep coming–and no, her song XXPEN$IVE will never chart. It’s that she now owes over $2.2 million dollars in back taxes. In “can’t stop, won’t stop” news, not only has she claimed that she’s unable to pay the past-due taxes, an episode of RHOBH just aired where she said that she won’t be laying off her $40,000 per month “glam squad.”

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Debra Wilson Quit “Mad TV” Because She Found Out She Was Getting Paid Less Than Newcomers

February 26, 2021 / Posted by:

If you spent any time in front of a television late on a Saturday night in the late 90s and early 2000s, then the name Debra Wilson is one that you know well. Debra Wilson was one of the original eight cast members when Mad TV premiered on FOX in 1995, and she stayed on until the ninth season when she suddenly disappeared from the show, and it was never really explained why she left. Until now, when she recently revealed it was because she had discovered she was being paid less than cast members whose staff ID cards were still warm from the lamination machine.

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The Trump Campaign Dared To Use “Purple Rain” After Promising The Prince Estate That They Wouldn’t

October 11, 2019 / Posted by:

Donald Trump is most likely as dead on the outside as he is on the inside, but if he was able to feel things, he’d probably feel a stinging, but sexy, triple slap on the face after the ghost of Jehovah’s Sexiest Witness slapped that bitch down while sitting on the shoulders of an angel sitting on the shoulders of another angel for using Purple Rain again without permission.

While he was alive, Prince was highly protective of his music and would scratch at a fucker for doing the very un-sexy thing of infringing on his copyright. Prince’s Estate is honoring his tradition of spitting at pieces of thieving trash by shitting on the Trump campaign for playing Purple Rain at a rally in Prince’s homeland last night even though they said a year ago that they would never play that song again. I know, Trump lying about something. The spirit of Prince probably busted out the most sexiest faint after being overcome with the shock of it all.

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