Category: Arrested Development

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before: Andy Dick Was Arrested For Residential Burglary

October 20, 2022 / Posted by:

Semi-professional arrestee Andy Dick continues to give Ezra Miller a run for their money, and while The Flash currently has the lead (as in the lead role in a multi-million dollar super-hero franchise), Andy’s right behind their ass when it comes to getting arrested and charged with felony residential burglary. It’s been almost six months since Andy’s last arrest, and I had just about counted him out of the race. But he came through with a last-minute burst of energy that, according to TMZ, found him allegedly stealing power tools from the garage of a Santa Barbara, CA house that he appears to have been squatting in. Ezra now has 24 hours to respond. Scratch that; Ezra can actually take their time because Andy’s been in jail for an entire week waiting for someone to pay his bond. This would be the perfect opportunity for Warner Bros to swoop in and offer Andy a three-picture deal. Booster Gold, perhaps?

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David Cross Gave A Clumsy Interview About The NYT “Arrested Development” Interview From Hell

May 25, 2018 / Posted by:

You would think being married to one of the founders and most vocal proponents of the Time’s Up movement might have some added benefits such as, helping you develop a more nuanced understanding of sexual politics in the workplace, or, how to craft a winning apology. But apparently that’s not how it works in the Tamblyn-Cross household. David Cross is taking heat for his participation in that New York Times interview with the cast of Arrested Development that should have been called “How To Sink A Show Before It Even Airs”.

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Jeffrey Tambor Will Appear In The Fifth Season Of “Arrested Development”

May 4, 2018 / Posted by:

Back in February, Amazon let it be known that there would no longer be a reserved spot in their parking lot for Jeffrey Tambor after completing an investigation into allegations that he harassed several women on the set of Transparent. Amazon and Transparent co-creator Jill Soloway clearly didn’t want anything else to do with Jeffrey. Netflix, on the other hand, doesn’t share the same feelings. A spokesperson for Netflix confirmed to Entertainment Weekly that Jeffrey will be appear in the fifth season of Arrested Development.

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ICYMI: The Arrested Development Season Four Trailer

May 13, 2013 / Posted by:

Because I really wanted to build a utopian city shaped like a giant uncut dick, I downloaded the new SimCity the day it came out and immediately got a severe case of internal blue balls, because the server kept crashing and wouldn’t let me build my dick-shaped utopian city! I scream, I cried, I questioned the existence of God and I punched my modem until I finally gave up and went outside to do something else. Yes, those SimCity whores drove me to go outside and breathe actual fresh air. They made me do the impossible. I’ll never forgive them for that.

Unless Netflix builds an island of servers (I hope it’s dick-shaped), I have a feeling that hos are going to meltdown the same way I melted down on SimCity day when the entire fourth season of Arrested Development comes out on Memorial Day weekend. If Netflix’s servers crash and the Internet breaks, people will actually be outside on May 26th. It’ll be so weird.


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