Category: Ariana Grande

Open Post: Hosted By Ariana Grande’s Oinker Of A Video For “Breathin”

October 11, 2018 / Posted by:

Usually an Ariana Grande video features her whipping that ponytail back and forth and forgetting how to pronounce at least a third of the consonants in her lyrics. That has made it where I honestly can’t tell the difference in any of her videos, but Ariana is on to my ass. “Breathin” is the latest single off her latest album, and the video finally dropped. BUT! Instead of featuring herself in the video, Ariana put in her pet pig Piggy Smalls!

Based on the film quality, I guess the Grande family still has a Panasonic VHS handheld recorder because it looks like this was a straight-up DIY music video set. It looks like it was shot at the apartment Ariana shares with Pete Davidson. Piggy is a new addition to the Grande-Davidson household, as Ariana only just started showing him off on Instagram in September. Pete has already gotten a tattoo of him, which shouldn’t surprise anyone. I just hope they show the same kind of love to their bird: TuSquawk. I know, I know: I’ll let myself out.

Pic: YouTube


Pete Davidson Mocked Kanye West For His Antics On “Saturday Night Live”

October 7, 2018 / Posted by:

Kanye West went full-on contrary political rant baby on last weekend’s Saturday Night Live season premiere. After performing as a Perrier bottle, Kanye had a meltdown at the end of the show which continued through the end credits. In it, he bitched out the media for being anti-Trump, claimed SNL bullied him for wearing a MAGA hat on the show and announced again he was running for POTUS in 2020. Whatever happened to everyone embracing and waiting for the red light on the camera to click off so they could go blow rails at the afterparty? Ariana Grande’s current beau Pete Davidson is one of the more recognizable SNL cast members and he appeared on the show’s “Weekend Update” segment last night to put “YE” on jokey blast.

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Ariana Grande Dropped Out Of Performing On The “Saturday Night Live” Premiere Due To Emotional Distress

September 29, 2018 / Posted by:

Tonight is the premiere of Saturday Night Live’s 44th season, and while I am usually passed out by the time it airs, I’m looking forward to watching the cast nail Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh‘s balls to the wall in it’s anticipated reenactment of this week’s Senate Committee on the Judiciary hearings. Ariana Grande was supposed to the musical guest tonight and she would have been PERFECT in a cameo roll as Alyssa Milano, who got major airtime as the perfectly contoured little head over Brett’s shoulder during the majority of his testimony. But it now looks as if Pete Davidson will have to be without Ariana for at least a full two hours, because she’s dropped out at the last minute citing “emotional reasons“.

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Pete Davidson Talked About Sobriety And His Own Private Parts On “Howard Stern”

September 25, 2018 / Posted by:

Pete Davidson is an open book. Grab yourself a blunt, have a seat in that comfy chair and crack open The Life Of Pete in front of a cozy tire-fire. While it won’t be winning any fancy literary awards, it’s got a solid 2.8 on Goodreads. I’ve read it; it’s part Catcher In The Rye, part Oliver Twist and part Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt. Pete recently appeared on the Howard Stern’s SiriusXM show and to no one’s surprise, Pete frankly, and in too much detail, talked about sex, drugs, and in a dark twist, his incinerated father. No that is not a typo.

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Pete Davidson Got Another Ariana Grande-Inspired Tattoo

September 24, 2018 / Posted by:

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson (AKA the future Mrs. and Mr. Grande) have been so in love that they took it all the way back to the old-school kind of love and wrote it all over themselves in permanent marker. Except instead of semi-permanent marker, they’re using tiny needles injecting their body with actually-permanent tattoo ink. Well add another weird image/phrase to the growing list: Pete done got another one.

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Pete Davidson Has Already Paid Tribute To His New Pet Pig With A Tattoo

September 19, 2018 / Posted by:

Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande recently elevated their commitment to each other by co-parenting a new baby micro pig. And Entertainment Tonight reports that two days ago, Pete’s tattoo artist Instagrammed a picture of the latest work to get added to Pete’s ever-growing art gallery on his body. It would appear he recently got a tattoo of Winnie the Pooh (that kind of looks like a Shrinky Dink of Pooh that was left in the toaster oven too long), and a scribbled interpretation of their new pig, which apparently has been bestowed with the name: Piggy Smallz.

Although maybe it’s because I’m not wearing my glasses, but it kind of reads like Piggy Smallth to me, which makes sense if the goal was to spell it how Mike Tyson might pronounce it. And I’d also love an explanation as to why Piggy Smallz is wearing what appears to be Superstar Barbie’s earrings on his face, but I’m happy to wait for that.

I’m sure Pete and Ariana thought they’d hit the creative punny pet name jackpot with Piggy Smallz, but sadly they’re not the first. Megan Fox once owned a pig named Piggy Smalls, but she had to give it away after he became “sexually aggressive.” A potbelly pig named Piggy Smalls also made the news last year in Oregon after escaping from its owners and going on the run from police for several months. Do your research next time, you two! If they had, they would have known that Gettin’ Piggy With It just has so much more pizzazz.

Pic: Instagram

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