New York Needs To Calm Down

/ December 31, 2007

New York and her fiance, Tailor Made, are spending their New Year’s in Miami and bitch went crazy around the paps last night. New York went into some sort of fit and Tailor Made had to calm her down and put her ass in a cab. She needs to go back to the doctor, because the dosage of female hormones he has her on is truly effing her up.

They also should’ve been arrested for public indecency. I do not want to see their tongues out of their mouths, let alone on one another. Not right.

TMZ has the video of New York going crazy

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Milo Ventimiglia Is Really Starting To Hurt My Feelings

/ December 31, 2007
Hayden Panatroll and Milo Ventimiglia are getting serious and I'm grossed out by that. People reports that Milo hung out with Hayden's family during the holiday in New York.
A source said, "He's even met her grandparents. He fits in perfectly with the family. Milo jokes around with her little brother. They're buddies." 
The source said they were very affectionate around each other with Hayden's family around. "He really takes care of her, even down to the little things like giving her a back massage and going with her to work."  Um….don't they work in the same place?
I'm just going to choose to not believe this until I see pictures of this.
And what about the age difference? The source added, "At first it doesn't seem like there's a big age difference, but then you do see it. … He's more proper and reserved, and she's still playful and very girly."
Girly? There's nothing girly about that midget gymnast!
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