Let’s Talk About Priscilla Ceballos

/ December 31, 2007
I'm sure you've heard the story by now about the 6-year-old girl from Texas and her mother, Priscilla Ceballos, who lied in an essay for a Hannah Monatana contest. The 6-year-old girl claimed her daddy died in Iraq, but she was lying. Her daddy's alive and well. Her fake essay won her 4 tickets to the show in Albany.  
I know this shit is old, but I just had to fucking comment on Priscilla Ceballos. Look at this cholita bitch. I'm guessing her nickname in High School was like "Sad Girl" or "Smiley." I'm serious! Chola girls in High School had nicknames that sounded like the names of the bitches on Flavor of Love. 
Anyway, Priscilla explained herself as to why she made her 6-year-old lie. You have to read this next part in a fake latin accent with a lot of gum smacking, because you know that's how this bitch talks. "We never said anything like this was a true story. Never. It was just an essay. We do essays all the time. You know, my daughter does essays at school all the time. I never lied and said that the essay was a true story."
I don't know if Priscilla is the hottest or dumbest bitch ever. All I know is that I shouldn't have talked shit on her above, because now she's gonna send her girl gang after me. I'm Sorry Sad Girl! I'll send you some black liner as a peace offering.
Unfortunately, Priscilla's daughter isn't going to the concert after all. They pulled the tickets. Oh well!
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Lindsay Lohan Is The Worst

/ December 31, 2007
Lindsay Lohan has given the worst performance of the year by an actress in "I Know Who Killed Me" according to a poll conducted by Moviefone. 58% of 3.8 million votes voted for Lindsay. John Travolta was in 2nd place for playing a chick in "Hairspray."
Eddie Murphy was voted as the worst performance by an actor for "Norbit." He got 46% of the votes. Norbit was some good shit! If I had to do a list of my favorite movies of the year Norbit would definitely be on top. It drove me to drink more and anything that forces me to booze even more is a good thing.
I have to disagree with the Lindsay shit. That movie sucked and was made for late-night Cinemax, but she wasn't that awful. I mean Megan Fox in "Transformers" was fucking worse. The fake CGI robots gave a more compelling performance than she did.  
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No Ring!

/ December 31, 2007
Sienna Miller reportedly got engaged to Rhys Ifans on her Birthday, but I don't see any ring. Maybe he got her a clit ring. Seriously, we should skip the engagement ring and just get rings on our genitals. I mean that's what we're basically promising to each other.  
Sienna and Rhys were out the other day in her new Audi TT which she got for her Birthday.  
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