Birthday Sluts

/ November 17, 2022
Danny DeVito (78)
Rocsi Diaz (41)
Isaac Hanson (42)
Tom Ellis (44)
Zoe Bell (44)
Rachel McAdams (44)
Diane Neal (47)
Leslie Bibb (48)
Kimya Dawson (50)
David Ramsey (51)
Ronnie DeVoe (55)
Daisy Fuentes (56)
Sophie Marceau (56)
Dylan Walsh (59)

Pic: ABC Photo Archives via Getty Images

RuPaul (62)
Jonathan Ross (62)
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (64)
Roland Joffe (77)
Lorne Michaels (78)
Lauren Hutton (79)
Martin Scorsese (80)
Gordon Lightfoot (84)
Sarah Harding (1981-2021)
Jeff Buckley (1966-1997)
Rock Hudson (1925-1985)
Lee Strasberg (1901-1982)
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Night Crumbs

/ November 16, 2022

In news that isn’t news to Alexander Skarsgård fans (Skarståns?), that tall drink of Swedish leche is probably an actual daddy now. 46-year-old ASkars was recently papped carrying a bundle of baby through NYC with his girlfriend, 42-year-old Swedish actress/director Tuva Novotny. So Swedish Daddy ASkars has a girlfriend who is his age, the two made a baby together, and they’ve kept the whole thing pretty private? Something tells me that we’ll next see ASkars sitting on his suitcase right outside Hollywood city limits as other movie star dudes scream at him, “You’re not one of us! Get out of here, traitor!”  – Celebitchy

Judging by the pictures of Jacob Elordi as Elvis in Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla Presley movie, I’m guessing that Sofia is re-working the facts, and in her movie, Elvis is The King of J. Crew Fall Catalogs instead of The King of Rock & Roll – Pajiba

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Jay Leno Got Surgery For The Second And Third-Degree Burns He Sustained In A Gasoline Fire

/ November 16, 2022

Earlier this week, we learned that Jay Leno sustained serious burns when one of the cars he was working on in his garage burst into flames. Jay put out a statement saying that he was OK and just needed “a week or two” to get back on his feet. Now we have another update on his health; People reports that Jay’s doctor, Dr. Peter Grossman of the Grossman Burn Center, held a press conference today and revealed that 72-year-old Jay had to get surgery for second and third-degree burns to his face, chest, and hand. Dr. Grossman says that, yes, Jay’s burns are serious, but he is in good condition and expected to make a full recovery. That’s good news, Doc, but what about Jay’s iconic chin? WE NEED AN UPDATE ON THE CHIN!!!! Continue reading

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British Authorities Have Hit Kevin Spacey With Seven Additional Charges Of Sexual Assault

/ November 16, 2022

Last month we watched Kevin Spacey Keyser Söze crip walk away from yet another trial unslapped by the long arm of justice after winning the civil sexual assault lawsuit leveled against him by Anthony Rapp in Manhattan. According to The Hollywood Reporter, jurors in that case “deliberated for a little more than an hour before deciding that Rapp hadn’t proven his allegations.” A mere New York Minute, if you will, compared to the time it will probably take a London jury to even finish hearing all the charges that are piling up against Kevin in his upcoming criminal trial in the UK.

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Brendan Fraser Says He Will Not Attend The Golden Globes If He’s Nominated For “The Whale” Because Of The Former HFPA Member Who Groped Him

/ November 16, 2022

In 2018, Brendan Fraser went public with his #MeToo story. He shared that, back in 2003, he was groped at a party by Philip Berk, the former president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. In 2021, Philip was expelled from HFPA after emailing an article to his fellow members that described Black Lives Matter as a “racist hate movement.” Creepy and racist? What a guy! Fast forward to now. Brendan is getting awards buzz for his performance in The Whale. In an interview with GQ for their Man of the Year cover story (he’s their Comeback of the Year), 53-year-old Brendan says that if he ends up getting nominated for a Golden Globe, he won’t go to the ceremony. He explains he has “more history” with HFPA than he has respect for HFPA, adding, “My mother didn’t raise a hypocrite.” 

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Open Post: Hosted By The Chain-Smoking Marathon Running Grandpa

/ November 16, 2022

Most grandfathers would balk at the idea of running in any marathon because once you reach PopPop status, your only job is to hand out candy and drink moonshine on the porch. At least, that’s what they used to do in the movies, but the grandfathers of the new millennium have no time to just sit around. And over in China, a 50-year-old man referred to as Uncle Chen proved that he’s the real Puff Daddy by running a marathon in three and a half hours, all while smoking an entire pack of cigarettes.

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