Britney Spears Is The Most Beautiful Woman In The World

/ January 19, 2008

Hello Magazine conducted a readers’ poll for the Most Attractive Men and Women in the world. Get this shit. Britney Spears topped the Most Attractive Women’s poll. Yes, they asked humans and not sloths. 949,800 votes were made in three categories:

Most Attractive Woman
1. Brit Brit
2. Delta Goodrem
3. Sporty Spice & Athina Onassis
4. Angelina Jolie

Most Attractive Man
1. Sean Bean
2. Hugh Laurie
3. David Tennant
4. Nick Carter & Brad Pitt

Most Elegant Woman
1. Madonna
2. Christina Aguilera
3. Sarah Michelle Gellar
4. Princess Mary of Denmark

It’s a sad day when Brit Brit beats Angelina as the most beautiful woman. I refuse to believe humans voted on this poll. The sloths must have rigged this shit. Nick Carter is attractive?! WTF!!!! Yes, sloths bombarded the polls. This is true.

Image: Pacific Coast News

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Au Naturale

/ January 19, 2008

A lot of bitches are always saying how most celebrities look god awful without make-up. Um…this is how everyone looks! I don’t know about you, but when I walk down the street I don’t see skanks in full-on drag. I wish, but I don’t. They all have major abortion face. Although, I love the lady cashier that works at my neighborhood deli. Bitch comes to work in fake eyelashes, lip liner, the works! She’s usually in full drag face, but wearing some beat down t-shirt and shitty jeans. It’s all in the face.

Ok, Diana Ross is looking a little scary. Phone home Diana! Here’s the lady singing the blues outside a Beverly Hills medical center yesterday.


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