Category: Shauna Sexton

Ben Affleck And Lindsay Shookus Have “Picked Up Where They Left Off”

February 27, 2019 / Posted by:

Ben Affleck just can’t seem to stay single for very long. Us Weekly reports that he and Lindsay Shookus are “are totally back on” on after being spotted together over the weekend. Looks like Lindsay finally got her timing right! Neither are still married like they both allegedly were when they first got together back in the summer of 2017. The two were together for a year before they ended things that fateful summer of 2018. Now they’re both divorced! And now that Ben’s working on his sobriety, and not eating cold Jack In The Box fries off of a Playboy model’s chest anymore, he’s almost a catch. Lindsay was smart to let Jennifer Garner swoop in and do the heavy lifting that got him there for her. Thankless work, that is.

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Shauna Sexton Says Her Relationship With Ben Affleck Scarred Her

December 7, 2018 / Posted by:

Jennifer Garner shuffles out to her mailbox and grabs her latest issue of Us Weekly, moments later she’s bent over the kitchen counter positively howling with laughter as she reads that Shauna Sexton claims dating Ben Affleck for 2-months “really scarred” her. As she wipes the tears from her face and collects herself, she’s set off again by the absurdity of it all, her peals of laughter echoing through the house. Yes, Us Weekly reports that dating Ben wasn’t all laughs and hamburgers. And I guess this means they’re broken up for real this time.

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Shauna Sexton Implies That The Ben Affleck Break Up Rumors Are False

October 11, 2018 / Posted by:

Just two days ago, everyone reported 46-year-old recent rehab graduate Ben Affleck and his 22-year-old Playboy model girlfriend Shauna Sexton broke up after about two months. Well, Shauna might be harder to shake than The Nanny, because she doesn’t think she’s Ben’s ex-girlfriend just yet.

Ben and Shauna had just returned from a trip to Montana, and everything seemed a-ok in their world. Then a day later, a source spoke to People, saying they’d broken up, and that Ben was focusing on his sobriety, his family, and his next project. Shauna tells DailyMailTV that it’s not true:

“I know [there are lots of unnamed insiders] – and they just make shit up, just like this. Don’t believe everything you read.”

Shauna also denies the break-up rumors to Radar Online. But over at Page Six, a source close to Ben says that they are “definitely not together.

“It was casual to begin with, and wasn’t the right move. It was newish. They were really only sort of seeing each other for about four weeks. He broke it off. It was more about realizing [a casual relationship] wasn’t the right thing for him.”

Another source tells People that the split was the relationship equivalent of a casual, apathetic shrug, because Ben and Shauna weren’t much of anything in the first place. So what does this bring us to now, two for broken up and one for still together? Shauna might want to come up with a different strategy for convincing us she’s still with Ben, because right away, she’s already outnumbered 2-to-1. She needs hard proof, like another Jack In The Box run with Ben. We’ll pretty much know for sure what’s up if “Ben” looks suspiciously like a promotional movie theater carboard cutout of Batman.

Pic: Instagram

SHOCKING (Cough): Ben Affleck And Shauna Sexton Split Up

October 9, 2018 / Posted by:

True love is just fleeting, I guess…or maybe Shauna Sexton didn’t care for Big Sky Country. Either way, most people weren’t all that surprised when Ben Affleck was seen out with Shauna, a 22-year-old Playboy model. People did get a little surprised when it seemed like they were still a thing after he went to rehab and was still meeting up with her. Most people thought it wasn’t exactly the picture of clean living and trying to better one’s life while canoodling with a non-sober trick who isn’t old enough to remember when Good Will Hunting was in theaters. Ben, freshly out of rehab, must finally have agreed with that sentiment, and sources are saying those two are no longer a thing.

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Ben Affleck And Shauna Sexton Went To Montana Together

October 8, 2018 / Posted by:

I’ve never completed a 40-day stint in rehab and officially gotten divorced in the same month, so I don’t know how I would celebrate such a milestone. If I was Ben Affleck, I might roll up to Jack In The Box with balloons and let the employees know that for the rest of the day, all drive-thru orders were on me. But Ben Affleck had other plans. Shauna Sexton and Ben are still going strong and spent the weekend in Montana.

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Ben Affleck Has Been Advised To Hold Off On His Relationship With Shauna Sexton

September 17, 2018 / Posted by:

After Ben Affleck checked into rehab almost four weeks ago, we learned that rehab wasn’t about to come between Ben and his 22-year-old Playboy model girlfriend Shauna Sexton. The only problem is, rehab wasn’t the only one trying to come between Ben and Shauna (for his own good, of course). But apparently all that outsider meddling isn’t working, and Ben and Shauna are closer than ever.

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