Category: Max Ehrich

Max Ehrich Was Papped With A New Lady

October 14, 2020 / Posted by:

In the span of just a few weeks, Demi Lovato called off her engagement to Max Ehrich after it was discovered that maybe he only proposed for attention. Max could have disappeared back from whence he came (aka relative obscurity), but instead, Max decided to make the most of his newfound attention, no matter how questionably that attention was gained. He’s worked through his emotions with his 1.5 million Instagram followers, and he was caught in a moment of tearful solitude. Well, Max’s tears have finally dried. Because Max has seemingly found love again! And as luck would have it, a photographer has just so happened to be there to catch the special moment on camera.

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Max Ehrich Continues To Be A Pest And Demi Lovato Wants Him To Leave Her Alone

October 13, 2020 / Posted by:

It has been [∅] days since Max Ehrich made an absolute fool of himself. Yesterday, Max treated us to a master class in Stunt Tears For The Digital Age when he was papped crying at the same Malibu beach he proposed to his now ex-fiance Demi Lovato on. It was… well, it was a lot. Too much for Demi who, according to E! News, is embarrassed by his behavior and wants him to leave her alone. Meanwhile, Max continues to make the most of his moment in the spotlight (which in this case is more like a heat lamp at a Hometown Buffet) by responding to fans/trolls in his Instagram DMs with anguished selfies and getting the word out about his new single that’s supposed to come out on Friday. It’s all about the benefits of engaging with a licensed mental health professional and letting go. I’m kidding, it’s about Demi.

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Max Ehrich Somehow Got Papped Crying At The Beach Where He Proposed To Demi Lovato

October 12, 2020 / Posted by:

To fans of Z-list stunt queen shenanigans, Max Ehrich’s dumb ass is the gift that keeps on giving. To former fiancée Demi Lovato? Errr, his behavior reached “nightmare ex” territory roughly six Instagram Lives ago. But yesterday this guy took it to a whole new level. Like, a “change your locks, Demi” level. Because Max went to the Malibu beach where he proposed to Demi in July, and… cried. He cried. And before you ask, yes, it was papped. Of course it was papped. If a fame ho weeps over a broken celebrity engagement and the paparazzi isn’t there to film it, did it even happen?

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Demi Lovato’s Ex Max Ehrich Is Back At It Again

October 2, 2020 / Posted by:

The “drama” surrounding the break-up between Demi Lovato and her boyfriend of five months (and fiancé of two months) Max Ehrich has practically gone on longer than their whole relationship. Max’s whole thing is that he insists he found out about the split via the tabloids. Demi denied it. Max whined on Instagram, before finally admitting it was over. Then, Demi released a break-up song about him. Max didn’t like that. As he’s made abundantly clear, he has no interest in attention or the trappings of fame. He’s only here to make art. Specifically, his new arthouse film, Southern Gospel, a movie with both good morals and a cast and crew held hostage by their leading man’s broken heart. As if worrying about on-set coronavirus safety wasn’t tough enough…

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Demi Lovato Just Released A Song That Is Probably About Her Breakup With Max Ehrich

September 30, 2020 / Posted by:

It’s been all of sixteen seconds since Demi Lovato decided to err on the side of good choices and break up with her fiancé with possibly shady motivations, Max Ehrich, after being engaged for a couple months. We have learned that Max didn’t have the most honorable of intentions when it came to why he wanted to marry Demi. That’s a real bummer of a revelation to throw into your diary. Except Demi is a musician, so she’s decided to pour out her emotions in a song that she wrote after her split and leaked today. Demi Lovato, the queen of making things happen fast.

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A Demi Lovato Source Says Max Ehrich Knew Their Relationship Was Over Before It Went Public

September 28, 2020 / Posted by:

On Saturday Max Ehrich dropped the devastating bomb that he found out Demi Lovato dumped him through the tabloids. The 29-year-old singer/actor/Selena Gomez stan revealed this scintillating info on his Instagram stories. Demi’s camp soon responded, with a source telling People, “Demi made Max aware that the relationship was over and it was going to come out in the press.”

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