Category: Julie Chen

“The Talk” Is Now On Extended Hiatus As Leah Remini Reports On Sharon’s Past Racist And Homophobic Talk

March 17, 2021 / Posted by:

Don’t bother looking for a new episode of The Talk today, CBS hasn’t decided if Sharon Osbourne’s continued employment is compatible with having “a diverse, inclusive and respectful workplace” just yet. According to Sharon’s former co-host Leah Remini, it sure as hell wasn’t back when she was on the show. Entertainment Tonight reports that Leah told journalist Yashar Ali that Sharon “frequently” used racist and homophobic language when talking about co-hosts Julie Chen and Sara Gilbert. Leah also backed up Holly Robinson Peete’s claims that Sharon used the word “ghetto” and says that Sharon also referred to her “as a WOP and Guinea.” Meanwhile, Sharon still insists she’s not racist in the least, so it looks like CBS has got a real mystery on their hands!

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Les Moonves Is Going To Fight CBS’ Decision To Deny His $120 Million Severance

January 17, 2019 / Posted by:

If Julie Chen is going to be marooned on Big Brother island, she better be compensated for it, dammit! Juile’s husband, ex-CBS head Les Moonves, and his reputation went down in a flaming pile of Ronan Farrow fever. Ronan’s reporting unmasked years of sexual misconduct allegations against Les, and Les was told to scram. He seemed to take it all in stride since he was still up for a $120 million severance package, but CBS decided to nip that in the bud since, well, they’re probably needing the cash to pay the lawyers handling the OTHER pervs they once had on the payroll. We didn’t hear much from Les after he was told “Hard pass!” on the request for his severance, but now he’s back challenging the ruling keeping him away from millions.

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Julie Chen Is Standing By Les Moonves

December 7, 2018 / Posted by:

Get ready for a lot more “and I’m Julie Chen Moonves” from Julie Chen on future seasons of Big Brother because it sounds like she won’t be giving a divorce lawyer a boatload of cash. Her husband, Les Moonves, is sitting around waiting to figure out if CBS is going to fork over $120 million in a severance package to him after her was booted from the network in light of all sorts of horrific #metoo allegations. The Chenbot left her perch on The Talk (and is being replaced by Carrie Ann Inaba) in order to be with her family/not take questions from Sharon Osbourne about what it’s like to sleep in bed next to a monster. Well, a whole new round of tawdry tales about Les came out this week, but Julie ain’t going anywhere. Continue reading


Les Moonves Is Even Closer To Losing His $120 Million Exit Package

December 5, 2018 / Posted by:

According to The New York Times, CBS did  a network investigation into the sexual assault and harassment allegations against their former head bitch Les Moonves. They hired attorneys who are now done looking into over a dozen claims of sexual misconduct and the report is not glowing… unlike Les’ old office in a black light.

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Julie Chen Is Staying On As Host “Big Brother”

September 19, 2018 / Posted by:

As we all know, Julie Chen’s husband Les Moonves recently stepped down from his position at CBS after 12 women came forward with allegations of workplace assault and harassment. Julie announced yesterday in a pre-taped video for The Talk that she isn’t returning to the show because she wants to spend more time with her husband son. Thus causing agents everywhere to try to get a gift basket on behalf of their client to CBS first. But the same can’t be said for anyone hoping to get in on Julie’s sweet Big Brother hosting gig. According to TMZ, she’s not leaving her post at the Big Brother house.

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