Category: Charity Case

Prince William And Princess Kate Are Heading To Boston For Their “Super Bowl” Of Charity Events

November 29, 2022 / Posted by:

You know, there are British people and there are BRITISH people, if you know what I mean. And then you have your BRITISH, BRITISH people, like Prince William and Princess Kate, who bleed Thames water and breathe the same rarefied Balmoral air as, well, as Ghislaine Maxwell. But try as they might, William and Kate have a lot of catching up to do if they want to court American audiences (fans? Watchers? What do they want from us?!?!) with the same success abroad as William’s brother Prince Harry and his American Wife Meghan Markle. But bless their little crumpet hearts; they’re trying!

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Michael Sheen Says He’s A “Not For Profit” Actor Now

December 7, 2021 / Posted by:

Finally, a mensch. A mensch among mens. Yes, in THIS economy! Michael Sheen has been doing some karmic housekeeping of late and has decided to become a “not for profit” actor in order to be able to fund various charitable causes in his home country of Wales. Maybe he saw all the work his ex Kate Becksindale has been doing with wayward youth and didn’t want to be outshone. According to BBC, Michael sold two houses, one in LA and one in Wales, in order to fund the 2019 Homeless World Cup after its funding fell through at the last minute. After that he looked around and was like, wait, I’m still not broke? Let me do this some more!

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A GoFundMe Has Been Set Up For André Leon Talley After The New York Times Wrote About His Mansion Eviction

March 2, 2021 / Posted by:

Woe is André Leon Talley! He could be evicted from his 11-room White Plains mansion by his (likely former) friends and landlords Anthony Yurgaitis and George Malkemus, the former head of Manolo Blahnik, who want to sell it. They filed to evict André last November, and in late January, André filed a counterclaim. Here’s the long and the short: André says he owns the mansion. He says back in 2004 he paid Anthony and George a $120,000 down payment, and they used that money and their own funds to purchase the home for $1,020,000. André says they all made a “gentleman’s agreement”  that he would pay them back over time, and he claims he has. But Anthony and George say that’s baloney. They claim André’s so-called “equity payments” were actually just rent, and he owes them $515,872,97.

The New York Times covered this mess in a piece entitled “The Dispossession of André Leon Talley.” They say André’s house predicament “throws light on a pattern of behavior long endemic to the fashion world, in which gifts, favors and influence were the currency of exchange.” In other words, what was the difference between bribes and personal gifts and actual business arrangements? Continue reading

The Hurricane Katrina Victims Who Are Suing Brad Pitt’s Foundation Pretty Much Said That He Was Just In It For The Good PR 

December 13, 2018 / Posted by:

Now that Brad Pitt has finalized the custody issues with Angelina Jolie (for now), he can focus on what’s really important. No not his acting in Quentin Tarantino’s Manson murder movie. He can focus on his next real life drama: getting sued by the good people of New Orleans for those shitty houses he built them.

Brad’s Make It Right foundation build houses for people who suffered through Hurricane Katrina, and the houses turn out to be as solid as his performance in The Counselor. The houses had problems. Brad decided he would sue the architect, and he also tried to get his own name taken out of the class action lawsuit which was filed against him and Make It Right by the owners of those trash houses. Brad was all: “This isn’t my fault! I just tried to do something nice with a half-assed effort! Leave me alone!” but the people of New Orleans were like: “No ma’am.” Continue reading


Chow Yun-fat Lives Like A Pauper And Wants To Give His Fortune Away To Charity

October 15, 2018 / Posted by:

Chow Yun-fat is super rich, yet, he goes around his hometown of Hong Kong like some sort of poor person. According to Indiewire, Chow Yun-fat lives off of a meager $100 per month despite being worth a smooth $714 million. And in an even worse insult to obscene wealth, he wants to give “his entire net worth” to charity because all he wants in life, is to be “a happy and normal person”. To that end, Yun-fat will take a picture with just about any person he runs into on the street, which is a lot of people, because he takes the subway like a commoner.

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Brad Pitt Had To Personally See To Issues With The Houses Built By His Foundation In New Orleans

August 31, 2018 / Posted by:

Brad Pitt’s Make It Right foundation has come down with a severe case of the ironies and is sending in the boss to go see about the houses the foundation built, that are now riddled with issues. You probably remember back in 2007 when William Bradley was so moved by the displaced people of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina, that he tucked a roll of hastily drawn chicken-scratch blueprints that came to him in a dream under his arm, and booked it on down there to build design forward housing for the people. You probably remember, but I guess Brad forgot. And now his foundation might get sued.

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