Category: Anne Heche

The Coroner’s Report Reveals Anne Heche Was Not Under The Influence At The Time Of Her Death

December 7, 2022 / Posted by:

After Anne Heche died in a car wreck back in August, it was speculated at the time she may have been under the influence of controlled substances. But now a new report reveals Anne wasn’t intoxicated. She may have had traces of the bad shit in her system from prior nights of partying, but as far as it contributed to the fatal car wreck, the coroner’s report determined that wasn’t the case.

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Thomas Jane Is Suing Anne Heche’s Estate For An Unpaid $150K Loan

November 22, 2022 / Posted by:

It’s been three months since Anne Heche tragically died in a car accident, and since then, there’s been drama with her estate. Anne died without a will, and her oldest son, 20-year-old  Homer Laffoon, whose father is Coley Laffoon, filed for control of her estate and was later granted “expanded powers as the special administrator” of her estate. Anne’s ex-boyfriend James Tupper, who is the father of her youngest child, 13-year-old Atlas Heche Tupper, has been trying to put a stop to Homer’s legal moves on Anne’s estate, claiming that Homer “broken several promises to his half-brother by not providing him with an inventory list and pictures of the tangible personal property.” Anne’s estate has also been sued for $2 million by Lynne Mishele, the woman who lived in the house that Anne crashed into. On top of all of that, Anne’s estate has been sued by her ex Thomas Jane. Thomas alleges he gave Anne a loan last year that she stopped paying, and now, dead or alive, he wants the rest of his cash.

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Anne Heche Has Been Taken Off Life Support

August 15, 2022 / Posted by:

In news that was expected but is still tragic and very sad, Anne Heche died of her injuries from her car crash a little over a week ago. Anne suffered a severe brain injury during the crash, went into a coma shortly afterward, and never came out of it. On Friday, Anne’s rep said that she had died and was being kept on life support to give enough time to find donor organ matches. It had long been Anne’s wish to donate her organs. Yesterday, Anne’s rep confirmed that she’s been taken off of life support. Anne was only 53.

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Anne Heche Suffered A Severe Brain Injury And Is Not Expected To Survive (UPDATE)

August 12, 2022 / Posted by:

UPDATE: Anne Heche’s rep tells TMZ that although life support machines are keeping her heart beating so that doctors can preserve her organs for donation, she is “brain dead” and that is considered death under California law.

Shortly after Anne Heche crashed her Mini Cooper Clubman into a parking garage before hitting a house in a fiery crash, her ex Thomas Jane and sources said that she would pull through but had a long road to recovery ahead of her. But then Anne’s rep gave a very bleak update by saying that she lost consciousness shortly after the double crash and was still in a coma. And last night, her rep delivered even more horrible news by saying that she suffered an anoxic brain injury and will mostly like not survive.

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Anne Heche Stopped At A Hair Salon And Bought A Wig Right Before Her Crash

August 10, 2022 / Posted by:

Anne Heche is still in a bad way after making a maxi hole with her Mini Cooper by driving it 2 Fast 2 Furious into the side of a house in Mar Vista last Friday. Mercifully, the home’s resident and her pets made it out of the house unscathed and the GoFundMe set up to help her recover financially has exceeded its $100,000 goal. Prior to completely demolishing the home, Anne had crashed into the parking garage at a nearby apartment complex and fled the scene, narrowly avoided striking a pedestrian before crashing into a Jaguar, and was seen driving down a residential street at an alarming speed, all of which was caught on camera. We still have no idea what Anne’s mental state was that day, but according to The Los Angeles Times, she had a “very, very random” encounter at a Venice hair salon about 30 minutes prior to hitting her first speed bump. Thankfully nobody was hurt, in fact, the shop’s owner says Anne acted like “a sweet little girl,” was “very pleasant” and “wasn’t speaking in cursive,” but the bright red wig she bought is thought to have perished in the fire. It can be seen in the photo of Anne that was taken just prior to her vehicular melee, sitting in the passenger’s seat right next to what appears to be a bottle of alcohol.

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Anne Heche Is Under Investigation For DUI And Hit-And-Run

August 8, 2022 / Posted by:

On Friday, Anne Heche was involved in a tragic double car crash in L.A. First, she slammed her car into the garage of an apartment complex. Then, she tore off, speeding through the residential streets of Mar Vista, running a stop sign, and driving her blue Mini Cooper right into Lynne Mishele’s home, igniting a huge fire. Lynne, her dogs, and her pet turtle managed to escape, but Anne was trapped in her car. It took 59 firefighters over an hour to extinguish the flames and get her out. 53-year-old Anne suffered severe burns and remains in the hospital. A source told CNN she “has a long recovery ahead.” As details of the accident roll in, it’s becoming more and more shocking that no one else was hurt. Continue reading


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