Amber Heard Has Reportedly Been Fired From “Aquaman 2” For Breaking Her Contract

February 28, 2021 / Posted by:

Some fans of Johnny Depp have been screaming for Amber Heard to get pink-slipped from the Aquaman sequel and Johnny also reportedly tried to get Amber fired. Well, Johnny and his fans may have gotten their wish but it has nothing to do with Johnny Depp. It’s been reported that Amber has lost her role as Sexy Fish Lady In An Off-Brand Ariel Wig (aka Mera) in Aquaman 2 after failing her physical exam.

Aquaman 2 will reportedly start filming this summer. James Wan is back as director and Jason Momoa will be Aquaman again. Amber had already signed on to the sequel and there were reports that Warner Bros. completely had her back during her legal battle with Johnny. Johnny is suing Amber for defamation for calling herself a victim of domestic abuse in a Washington Post op-ed (she never named Johnny) and she’s countersuing him. Johnny has denied ever abusing Amber and accused her of being the abusive one in the relationship.

The trial has been pushed a few times and isn’t scheduled to start in Virginia until next year. Well, Amber may have a lot of time to prepare for that latest legal round of messiness, because the YouTube show Popcorned Planet and an Australian site called Sausage Roll claims that Amber was fired from Aquaman 2 after getting an F- on her physical. That’s apparently a violation of her contract:

“Amber Heard did not pass her physical examination. She’s put on some pounds and is in terrible shape. There is a clause in her contract which says she is required to be in good form ahead of shooting and she violated that,” our source told us.

Heard allegedly blamed Johnny Depp and COVID-19 for her deteriorating health, saying that she’s been under tremendous amount of stress and has been suffering from depression but she insists that she will get back in shape.

WarnerMedia were reportedly very understanding of the situation and still have Amber Heard on the side-line.

Stars – They’re just like EVERYONE! They too gained some weight during quarantine. Sausage Roll also claims that Emilia Clarke has already made a deal to replace Amber as Mera, but if Amber can physically get it together, she’ll get her role back. Emilia apparently knows that she won’t get to play Mera if Amber gets back into shape before filming. Err, casting Emilia when Amber is still in the mix seems like a messy business decision to me, but I’m not a Warner Bros. exec. Then again, if I was, we wouldn’t be doing Aquaman 2. We’d be doing a Granny Goodness movie, which is what the people really want!

These rumors are all just that, rumors, and Grace Randolph, host of the YouTube show Beyond The Trailer, is hearing that Amber has not been fired and that her Mera spin-off show for HBO Max is still in the works:

UPDATE: Ryan Parker of The Hollywood Reporter claims that the highly-esteemed Sausage Roll and other reports claiming Amber Heard has been fired are wrong.

After Johnny Depp lost his libel suit against The Sun and the High Court ruled that he is indeed a wife beater, Warner Bros. cut ties with him and he was dropped from the Fantastic Beasts movies and replaced with Mads Mikkelsen. So we all know what needs to happen here. If Amber is out of Aquaman 2, then her obvious replacement is Mad Mikkelsen! Although, Aquaman would never get anything done with his aqua crotch pulsating non-stop from the sight of Mads Mikkelsen in a wet Jessica Rabbit wig and skin-tight scaly hotness.

Pic: Warner Bros.

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