Category: Levar Burton

LeVar Burton Regrets Trusting Mike Richards During His Bid To Become The Host Of “Jeopardy!”

September 14, 2022 / Posted by:

I think one of the reasons so many people love LeVar Burton is because when we were kids he taught us to love reading. However, the thing we all did not know is that LeVar is also an expert at reading, because he’s speaking about his time auditioning to host Jeopardy! and apparently the library is open. Prior to Ken Jennings and Mayim Bialik being chosen to take over for the late Alex Trebek, LeVar was the internet’s choice, yet he was then undercut by greedy producer Mike Richards who snatched the honor away from everyone when he made himself the host. It became a temporary gig, and now in the aftermath of all the drama LeVar admits during the process he would not have trusted Mike at all.

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LeVar Burton Has Decided That He Doesn’t Really Want To Host “Jeopardy!” After All

September 17, 2021 / Posted by:

There’s been so much drama in selecting the next host of Jeopardy!, with the hiring and subsequent resignation of Mike Richards, to Mayim Bialik’s constant shifting in position, to the reported reintroduction of one-time hosting hopeful Ken Jennings. As it stands right now, Sony Pictures Television and Jeopardy! producers have confirmed that they’ve locked in Mayim and Ken as co-hosts for the rest of the season until they can decide on a forever host. And during this messy process, you haven’t had to look very far to find someone yelling, “Jesus, just give the job to LeVar Burton!“. A whole lot of people wanted to see LeVar Burton replace Alex Trebek after his passing. And at one point in time, LeVar himself wanted to be that person. But then LeVar got a chance to host the show as one of the many, many guests hosts, and that’s about as far as he’d like his Jeopardy! journey to go.

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Mike Richards And Mayim Bialik Are Officially The New Hosts Of “Jeopardy!”

August 11, 2021 / Posted by:

The correct question to the answer “these two people were just announced as the permanent hosts of the beloved television quiz show Jeopardy!” is “Who are HIM?! and HER?!As predicted, Jeopardy! executive producer Mike Richards has been named as Alex Trebek’s replacement, and fellow guest host Mayim Bialik will be hosting all of Jeopardy!’s primetime and spinoff series. Fan favorite LeVar Burton goes home with a lovely parting gift — walking away as a beloved icon with his dignity intact. Nobody could really replace Alex and you can’t get hit with rotten tomatoes if you exit stage left. And with this decision, people are already coming at Mike and Mayim and letting the fetid fruit fly!

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LeVar Burton Responds To Petition Calling For Him To Be The New Host Of “Jeopardy!”

November 14, 2020 / Posted by:

Just in case you’ve forgotten, 2020 sucks (but still survive though!). If you need any further proof for my indifference towards this year look no further than the fact it snatched away Alex Trebek after his valiant battle with pancreatic cancer. That news still stings, however in an attempt to not feel how huge the loss is people have been circulating a petition to have LeVar Burton, of Roots, Reading Rainbow, and Star Trek, take the reigns as host of Jeopardy!, where Alex began his hosting duties in 1984 up until his passing. So far LeVar has been quiet about the petition but is now responding.

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…And Here Come The Not-Right Tweets About Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Death

February 3, 2014 / Posted by:

After the news broke that Philip Seymour Hoffman had died of a heroin overdose, I said a little prayer at my Sandy Lyle shrine and took a nap in my Boogie Nights sleeping bag, because I knew I’d need a lot of strength to get through the downpour of celebrity tweets that were about to follow. Usually after a celebrity death, everyone and their dog has something to say, and the worst, most insincere examples of online grieving come from the d-list roaches, so I needed to psych myself up before I read something like:

@LindsayLohan: OMG my best friend Philip Stephen Huffman died and I, like, have SO many tears right now #PSH #sobbing #funeralinvite?

However I guess Kris Jenner was busy making Sunday supper for Beelzebub, because the worst offenders came from an unlikely place. First up was Dean from Gilmore Girls (aka Jared Padalecki) who tweeted this touching tribute to the late, great actor:


Thanks Dean. Not the worst tweet about PSH’s death (we’ll get to that in a second) but still pretty insensitive. Jared clearly agreed, because shortly after he applied for a membership to the Delete That Tweet club and tried to fix what he broke through more tweets (never a good idea):

At least he made an effort to clear things up –  even though he still sounds like an asshole. And if Jared Padalecki is the asshole, then LeVar Burton is the angry, sore, Preparation H-resistant hemorrhoid. Yes, that LeVar Burton; if you don’t want to have all your childhood PBS memories crushed to a million pieces, you better stop reading and go back to watching post-game Puppy Bowl interviews, because the following tweets (yes, there’s more than one) are about to shatter ya dayum soul:

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