How Low Can You Go?

/ October 23, 2006

Warner Bros. promised to give African amputees, prosthetic limbs in exchange for more publicity for their movie, The Blood Diamond. The producers brought in 27 orphaned amputees to appear as extra in the Leonardo DiCaprio flick.

Pictures of Leonardo with the children were released last week. In addition to paying the children, producers said they would have limbs made for them. Sluts lied. Filming wrapped in June and the orphans still haven’t gotten what they were promised.

When an organization benefiting the orphans asked producers, they received this response, “You will have to wait for December, when the movie comes out, so we can get some publicity out of it.”

A rep for WB says, “We are still working on it.”

What the hell is wrong with everyone taken advantage of these orphans and using them for publicity? This movie is going to tank anyway.


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Kate Gets Engaged!

/ October 23, 2006

Kate Moss was photographed at London’s Heathrow airport with a ring on her wedding finger. Kate was returning from a trip to Italy where she performed with Pete Doherty and Babyshambles.

The couple were seen in a jewelry store over the weekend, picking out the ring.

And to top it all off, there are pregnancy rumors!

Jewelry store my ass! That crackhead stole it off of an elderly lady’s hand I know it! That’s an old woman’s ring. I can smell the Jean Nate from here!


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Is SPF2 a Girl?!?

/ October 23, 2006

Have we been duped by Britney Spears?! We all seem to think that her recent baby’s name is Sutton Pierce Federline or SPF2 as I like to call him. Well, this may not be in the case. Fans are now claiming that the baby’s name is Jayden James.
A friend of KFed’s said, “Grandma Federline calls the child Jayden.”
JJF?! Damn! Not only that, but JJF may be a girl! KFed once joked a while ago that his newest kid was possibly a girl and now sources claim that it’s a girl! Britney’s bodyguards were caught shopping in Malibu and buying little girl crap.

She sent her bodyguard to buy clothes? This makes so much sense. No wonder bitch looks like trash. Her effin bodyguard is her stylist!

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