Faking the Shake?

/ October 25, 2006

Responding to Michael J.Fox’s commercial for Missouri Senate Challenger Claire McCaskill, radio host Rush Limbaugh said, “He is moving around and shaking, and it is purely an act. If this was not an act, then I apologize”

The 30-second spot feature Michael, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, speaking for McCaskill who supports stem-cell research. He shakes throughout the spot, a condition that is associated with the disease. Michael’s spokeswhore is outraged and said, “It’s an appalling, sad statement. Anybody who understands Parkinson’s disease knows it’s because of the medicine that one experiences involuntary movements like those Fox shows in the commercial.

I know that when I posted this clip yesterday, some readers also felt he was exaggerating his condition for the cameras. Sure, it’s possible but impossible to prove. Making those kind of assumptions or accusations also attacks Michael’s personal character. Rush has every right to say whatever he wants, but he’s also calling Michael a manipulator and a phoney.

I just want all this to end and Alex P. Keaton to wake me up with a warm cup of cocoa. Not Mallory though, because she’s a bitch.


Comment Note – The comments are wonky in IE and we’re working on them. It will be back to normal ASAP. Sorry sluts!

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Elisabeth Hasselcrack is a Conceited Cow!

/ October 25, 2006

BWE has a clip of yesterday’s The View where Elisabeth Hasselcrack goes on and on about a Law & Order episode which featured a character named “Elisabeth Hassenbeck” that was raped and killed. She was upset by this and called the executive producer who basically hung up on her ass. Bitch says that there’s probably only one person with that name and she finds it hard to believe it was just coincidence as the producer suggested. She finds it socially irresponsible for the show and says she can never sit next to anyone associated with the show. Um…well looks like you’re going to be home a lot, because every damn working actor in NYC has been on that show. Dumb slag!

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Leave the Pussy Out of It!

/ October 24, 2006

Parasite Hilton is such a good role model to young girls that she graces the cover of Seventeen magazine. Good move Atoosa. You dumb ass. Someone on ONTD (Where I got this from) said that this cat looks like it has downs. Even if he/she did have downs it would be still be a million times smarter than this skank. Even photoshop can’t fix her cum eye! It should say “Dress Like a Hooker with Autism” not “Dress Like a Celebrity!”

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