They Always Find Jesus

/ August 27, 2007
Michael Vick entered a guilty plea for dogfighting before a judge in Richmond, VA this morning. He is awaiting a sentencing date, but rumor is he'll get 2 years.
After his plea the judge told him, "You're taking your chances here. You'll have to live with whatever decision I make." TMZ is reporting that Michael will most likely starting singing like a fat Opera singer and naming names in the dogfighting world to hopefully get a lesser sentence.
He spoke to reporters after he plead. He had this to say:
"I will redeem myself" said Vick, "I have to."
"I was ashamed and totally disappointed in myself, to say the least. I want to apologize to all the young kids out there for my immature acts. What I did was very immature, so that means I need to grow up."

Vick also dropped part of his apology in the third person saying, "I totally ask for forgiveness and understanding as I move forward to be a better Michael Vick the person, not the football player."

During the presser, Vick made it clear several times that he never "pointed the finger" and is prepared to face the consequences of his actions.

After speaking for nearly five minutes, Vick left the podium without taking any questions.

Immature?! That shit is beyond immature. Michael also claims he found Jesus. What if Jesus doesn't want to be found! Why do they always find Jesus after committing horrendous crimes? It's like that suddenly means they are cured
Michael failed to apologize to the animals he hurt. Sorry my ass. Sorry he got caught!
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Morning Wood

/ August 27, 2007
Jake Gyllenhaal is supposed to come out of the closet today. Yeah and neon yellow monkeys are going to fly out of my ass today. Actually, the latter is truly possible – Mollygood 
Britney Spears' is taking that poly hair to the extreme – INO 
Kate Winslet in French Vogue – ICYDK 
Wentworth Miller and T.R. Knight's ex-boyfriend go for a walk – Towleroad 
The boring slags of ANTM 9 Popbytes 
Sheila E's return to TV! HA! – SOW 
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I’m Buying It

/ August 27, 2007
Megan Fox is 21-years-old. How this is possible I'm not sure. The thing is I started hating this broad, but now I think I'm buying what she's selling. She does the best low-rent Angelina Jolie impression ever! It's like her life is constantly an Angie porn biopic. She's also dating Brian Austin Green and you know that boy is packing large.  
She's one to watch and by that I mean she'll have a DUI by the end of the year.
Here's MFox at last night's Teen Choice Awards. 
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