Amber Heard Is Under Investigation By Australian Authorities For Possible Perjury In Her Dog Smuggling Case

November 1, 2021 / Posted by:

When your first mistake was marrying Johnny Depp, all subsequent mistakes tend to look like adorable little oopsies by comparison. Unless of course those adorable little oopsies are Yorkshire terriers named Pistol and Boo and you piss off an entire nation by sneaking them into the country on your private jet. Pistol and Boo may have shit the bed, literally, but it was Amber Heard who did it figuratively (well, maybe literally too, please may we never have to learn the truth) when she illegally brought the pups to Australia “without obtaining a permit and without having the pets spend two weeks in quarantine” as required by the law. But that was like a decade ago, you say. No! You’re wrong about that, it was 2015 and Amber, facing 10 years in prison, pleaded guilty to falsifying a travel document and was let off with a “one-month $1,000 good behavior bond” (and filed for divorce a month later).

But now, thanks to Johnny’s losing libel suit against The Sun, Australian authorities are reopening the case and accusing Amber of perjuring herself based on the testimony of Johnny’s former estate manager, Kevin Murphy, who said at the trial that Amber asked him to lie for her and take the blame for bringing Pistol and Boo into the country.

According to E! News:

On Saturday, Oct. 30, a spokesperson for Australia’s Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment confirmed to E! News that they are “investigating allegations of perjury by Ms. Heard during court proceedings for the 2015 illegal importation of (her) two dogs into Australia.”

This is in regard to a previously closed 2015 court case, in which she was charged with bringing her then-husband Johnny Depp’s Yorkshire terriers, Pistol and Boo, into the country illegally. The spokesperson added in their statement that “the department is seeking to obtain witness statements and once obtained, the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions will consider whether the evidence is sufficient to warrant pursuance of the matter.”

At the time, Amber’s lawyers claimed she was “jet lagged” and “worried about a hand injury that Depp suffered during filming Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, and believed her assistants had sorted out the paperwork for the dogs.” They added that she “made a tired, terrible mistake.” But at Johnny’s libel trial, Kevin said I ain’t’ dead yet and I got some tales to tell!

During the proceedings for the libel case, Depp’s former estate manager, Kevin Murphy, testified about Heard’s charges in Australia, saying that the actress asked him to falsely claim that she didn’t know it was illegal to bring the dogs into the country, which has strict animal quarantine laws.

“She wanted me to say essentially that it was my fault in one way or another that the paperwork wasn’t completed, so that I could take the blame for her,” Murphy said, according to the Associated Press.

He also said the actress told him, “I want your help on this. I wouldn’t want you to have a problem with your job.”

When asked by The Sun‘s lawyer why he didn’t ask Depp to intervene, Murphy said, “Because Amber wielded a lot of power and would have made my life miserable,” the news wire reported.

As you probably remember, the Australian government basically said the only celebrities we recognize are Bindi Irwin and Paul Hogan and you two aren’t either of them. Not only did they threaten to euthanize Pistol and Boo if they didn’t get their little asses on a plane “and bugger back off to the United States,” they made Johnny and Amber record that mess of a hostage video apologizing for breaking the law. Now, if they decide to pursue the matter, Amber could be facing prison again.

According to The Daily Mail, Australia’s Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment responded by reopening their new criminal probe and enlisting the help of the FBI to track down witnesses in the U.S. The FBI has not confirmed the report.

The Daily Mail said Australian investigators have already interviewed Murphy and that he provided a lengthy witness statement and a trove of emails allegedly implicating Heard. The outlet quoted sources close to the investigation as saying the actress could be weeks away from being hit with charges of perjury or subornation of perjury, which involves inducing someone to provide false testimony, and could face a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison.

Johnny is probably passed out under a pile of rank-smelling scarfs right now, but as soon as he wakes up and has his morning/mid-afternoon whisky, he’s going to rub his hands together and cackle at the further chaos he has unleashed. He better save his energy though because he still has another entire libel trial to get through, this time against Amber.

Here’s that video, once more for old-times sake. Hard to believe these two were ever this happy. What went wrong!?

Pic: YouTube

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